@davidho Just like Y2K. So much fuss and yet nothing happened!!! 🙈
I've tagged version 0.0.2 of #libcmatrix - a #matrix client library.
This release focuses on making Matrix support in #chatty more robust, simplifying some APIs and improving the documentation (which is now automatically generated at https://agx.github.io/libcmatrix/)
See https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/libcmatrix/-/releases/v0.0.2 for the list of changes and contributors.
@jwildeboer To me they passed that point around 15 years ago 😛
@chrisphin @elliotjaystocks @glennf I remember subpixel fonts being used on Ben NanoNote to fit more text in the console, but those didn't go as far as being 1 pixel wide 😀
@malwaretech That "dragging off the stage" was probably the only thing handled perfectly right in this whole situation. The guy had no intention to leave the stage on his own, but had no intention to physically fight either. He got to make his point, security got to ensure he wasn't on stage as instructed by organizers; all while both sides clearly had some fun in the process 😂
@Sophie 🐸
I got an unexpected mention in the release of Raspberry Pi's RP2350 chip.
Nice to get a mention, but I hope the security is broken, so the amount of unrepairable devices and e-waste can be reduced.
@martijnbraam I considered that, but eventually decided against:
a) CH342 has an integrated LDO; BOM wouldn't get shorter by getting rid of it
b) this way UART channel works regardless of what you're doing in firmware; one less thing to care about
c) there are free samples available for STM32G071CBT6; no samples for USB-equipped G0B1/G0C1 😄
@ge0rg It's somewhat common in DIY designs, badges etc. although those usually don't require any PD stuff. MacBooks can expose 1.2V UART, I2C and debug USB - you could use Debubo paired with SBUB to access that. And who knows what undocumented commands to mux things onto SBU may be in other devices out there 😁
@eliasr Nope; with Debubo (and a right TPS65982 config) you can access UART console, while also connecting a charger or some USB thingy, either host or device.
But what you described is pretty much just a regular USB-C hub with PD 😁
The hardware design is now released at https://gitlab.com/dos1/debubo
#debubo #kicad #diy #electronics #librem5 #stm32 #usbpd #oshw
@forteller Thanks for sharing! I was looking for a GTK4 app just like that to steal its UI from 😈
@martijnbraam Found a bug!
I have two part numbers for the same value & footprint:
C5, C2 1µF 1206 C1966364, C24497
The first one matches, the second one does not (it's 100nF) - but partlint doesn't report a problem with the second one until I remove the first one.
Nice tool and timing, you pushed it just in time for when I needed it 😁
PartLint is now released on https://git.sr.ht/~martijnbraam/partlint
Also added a small utility for calculating LCSC basic part resistors :)
@nokernel Yes, used it a lot! There were many more bridges at first 😂 Got rid of all the rest, but this one is highly resilient.
TBH, it's the first time I solder such tiny things, it's a wonder I got as far as I did already anyway :)
Joints seem to be better now, but I didn't mention one thing - no matter how much hot air I blow at it or what I do with soldering iron, I can't seem to be able to get rid of a short between D+/D- on a passthrough port 😭 It's not critical, the important parts are already operational, but it would be nice to get USB 2.0 passthrough working too! I'm assuming it's on the USB-C plug, but it all looks perfectly fine to my eye 😫 I should finally get some proper flux I guess... #soldering #diy
Dear distro maintainers and "i build my own stuff" people: In case you want to check out 0.41.0 upfront: we've tagged the first releases candidates of #phosh and related components today. Release is planned 2024-08-15 (https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/wikis/Releases)
Took me 3 days of soldering, but it works!
I can connect it to a Librem 5 and it automatically does all the needed PD stuff to expose its UART over USB-C 😁 It's also capable of a lot of other PD magic as a USB PD analyzer / injector / filter.
However, while these solder joints made a good job lasting till I got the firmware PoC working, it doesn't seem like they're going to last much longer... More soldering ahead 😫
#debubo #kicad #stm32 #usbpd #librem5 #shotonlibrem5 #diy #electronics #oshw
@alaraajavamma @MissBehave @PINE64 You may have to load module-bluetooth-policy in PulseAudio to have it switch to HSP automatically - but you can also switch manually in the settings. Otherwise - yep, as long as you can connect to your Bluetooth device it should just work.
Hi, I'm dos. Silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music and more. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of dosowisko.net. he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.