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@harshad Seems like I've been living your younger self's dream my whole life; first with Neo Freerunner, then Nokia N900 and now Librem 5 😄

I don't understand why people still call Android or iOS phones "smartphones". The tech's baseline has moved forward (even basic "feature phones" do stuff like Web browsing these days after all), but in its essence this market segment is more similar to old cameraphones rather than PDAs.

@silmeth Just try to find the reason, KWin scripting is pretty straightforward.

@silmeth Even after years of using it I find Librem 5's 5.7" screen to be tad too big already, and PinePhone's 5.9" is stepping one foot into "comically big" 😫

So far you had to pull out 's top and bottom bar quiet a bit to make it unfold. That's kind of o.k. on 📱 like the or but can be cumbersome on larger phones like the or tablets like the . I've put out an MR for which adds a fling so you can also fold/unfold with a fast swipe. Here's a short video demoing this for different screen sizes:

TIL: It's surprisingly hard to design a board for such a simple schematic that will be cheap to manufacture 😫

@blake There is no separate "mobile version" of PureOS - it's the same OS as what runs on laptops, built from the same repos (early versions had a repo overlay, but that's gone for years now). And while we often worked with and do love our pmOS pals (there's plenty of cross-pollination between various distros there on multiple levels), I really don't think it's a fair characterization of how the OS was built 😂

@blake > a variant of PureOS, which is itself built on Ubuntu and PostmarketOS (which makes Linux available for phones)

Neither of that is true; PureOS is built on Debian.

@SceNtriC Przypomniało mi się, jak wcześniej tego samego dnia co grali w Opolu prezentowali klasyki Perfectu we Wrocławiu 😁

@gnuntoo @thegnuguy In the strict sense: no, not really. However, there's nothing that would prevent efficient periodic wake-ups to check for those - but we need to build a proper infrastructure for that first and then use it across apps.

Had to update my userChrome.css for the new version of a bit - the necessary changes turned out to be trivial, but it still managed to nerd-snipe me into making the whole thing a bit more robust 😅

@lina > Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2

Ah, I see you are a person of culture as well.

i'm always baffled when new things launch and they don't have a fediverse link but instead still on birdsite and maybe instagram, it feels somehow antiquated

Librem 5 help 

Librem 5 help 

Librem 5 help 

@sigmasternchen @ptrc @psykose Both are used in different contexts (contributing patches vs. merging between maintainer trees)

@sigmasternchen @ptrc @psykose ...and that's exactly how pull requests are being used on Linux mailing lists.

I can finally use my #Librem5 phone camera with #pipewire, making it available to many applications through common interface. A big step to #Librem5, a great step for Freedom.

@thegnuguy You can use system suspend which makes it last about 20 hours (at expense of not waking up on network events such as IM messages; only calls and SMS).

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