Using compositor handoff to switch between desktops
Checkpoint Restore For Graphical Applications using QtWayland compositor handoffs
Major progress towards decoupled, crash-safe Wayland sessions!
"QtWayland 6.6 - Robustness Through Compositor Handoffs" #linux #qt #wayland
@wonziu > bardziej ogarnięci zwracają uwagę, że to w sumie nic nie znaczy, a jeśli już, to nic dobrego :v
Jeśli jesteś w stanie skalować szczegółowość symulacji i ogarniesz dobrze scheduling, to może mieć sens i poza frywolnym zużyciem energii w zasadzie nic w tym złego. Pytanie tylko do czego faktycznie potrzebują tyle mocy :P
If you've missed my #nixcon talk yesterday about my experience running #nixos on the #librem5, you can watch the recording here:
@vancha A lot of components in byzantium are much newer than that; also, it's the current stable release while crimson is in development.
After all that time, it's *finally* here. The #librem5 arrived today! Been playing around with it for a couple of hours now, experiences incoming I guess ^^
With the Librem 5 just hitting shipping parity and Purism holding stock for new purchases, it was time for an updated review of the tremendous progress our team has made with PureOS for the Librem 5 and Liberty Phone with Made in USA Electronics. Here we will talk about the good, bad, and lasting effects of PureOS on the Liberty Phone and Librem 5.
#Librem5 #Purism #PureOS #Review
ars technica: we don't know how they did it but google chrome now extracts a pint of blood every time you log on
chrome user, dizzy from blood loss: I swear to god I am like this close to switching to firefox
another chrome user, on the verge of fainting from severe blood loss: no need to resort to that, just switch to [insert today's trendy chrome fork here] and be smart like meeee
So yeah I have access to all Android apps on the #Librem5 , but what about native apps? Let's do a review of what I have installed so far 👇
Finally got my #Librem5 in hand, and I have not had such glorious brickfeel since my Nokia N900
This thing feels like a potential murder weapon, which is absolutely a quality I admire in a mobile device
An article on @mobian on phones was published in the print edition of dutch! 💓
Subtitled: "Use Debian on your mobile phone"
Thanks to @martijnbraam for telling us!
Turns out you on a #Librem5 you can install android in a container and it runs at native speed. The android window shows as an app, so I can just use an android app if I find a native version lacking, neat!
@anathem I wondered how they should move too and in fact implemented it outwards at first, but it was really hard to play. Turns out it's much easier when you can just focus your eyes in a single place 👀
And yes, it's using FoF songs (you have to mix audio tracks into a single MP3 first, but it's a sox oneliner). In fact it uses map reading code ripped straight from FoF, 2to3'd with minor tweaks to make it micropython-friendly 😂
We have shipped through the entire Librem 5 queue, and as a result the Librem 5 lead-time is now two-weeks for new orders.
Hi, I'm dos. ~80 silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.