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First day with my new #Librem5:
I am impressed how much already works out of the box. Maybe I will write a short overview about my experience in the next few weeks.
I will try to use it as my main device as soon as possible.

#Purism #Linux #Gnome

PSA: If you're an adventurous PureOS user who has enabled `landing` repository in order to receive untested updates early, brace yourself: in a few days `landing` is going to start tracking Debian bookworm (instead of bullseye) and targeting PureOS crimson (instead of byzantium). It will still take some time to make crimson work, so please disable the repo! If you still want to be on the bleeding edge, consider enabling `byzantium-updates-proposed` instead.

@mcc @asie What's the difference? I don't know if they're complaint, but distributing it as a patch has no relevance to license compliance.

Today I spent almost 9 hours running around a city, with my #Librem5 . I used waydroid in it with an app that allows to find public transport connections and buy tickets. I used it quite frequently, checking how can I get to a next point I had planned.
I returned with 40% battery left. The recent battery life improvement is awesome! (

@luvcraft @wildrikku @itchio It's cached, so if some instance managed to verify the link while it was still present it likely still shows it as green. Though it's probably not a lot of them if you removed it soon after saving the profile :)

@luvcraft @wildrikku @itchio It does not. It will disappear as soon as the profile gets refreshed, and it won't be visible from other instances that will have verified the link after changing the webpage URL back.

@mcc Uhm, what? Pretty sure GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub is how you set the default entry, just like the comment states.

@devrtz @gehrke_test @purism @mobian upower already collects some stats and you can display them with gnome-power-statistics like here:

The default graphing resolution makes it useless though, we carry this patch in PureOS to make it usable:

HowTo: Getting a GPS fix inside a multi-story building:

@jc Depends, I've tested it in various conditions over last weeks. The module handles SBAS and can report its sats in GSV sentence - it works, although it takes it a while to decode its data. It's multi-constellation, so you get GLONASS (or BeiDou), QZSS and Galileo as well. So far I've managed to successfully inject GPS almanac & ephemerides and also Galileo ephemerides, so it's usually tracking 6-18 sats depending on conditions. It's poorly documented so it's not exactly straightforward :)

@tudza Yes, but guess what - someone had to implement it first!

Experimenting with utilizing assisted GNSS techniques on . Cold fix takes about 3 minutes in perfect conditions, but can easily take *much* longer otherwise - that's how GPS works. However, by downloading satellite data from the Internet instead of the sky it can go down to under a minute; sometimes even just a few seconds. Still a proof-of-concept at this point, but can already tell that catching a fix gets significantly easier this way:)

@devrtz We really ought to make it detect photo orientation 🙃

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