Security is under threat worldwide. We will keep fighting against encryption backdoors!
Is the Librem 5 for you?
Very good explanation and overview.
We’re changing the way PureOS is released. PureOS will be available as a Stable or Rolling release, giving you the choice between stability or cutting-edge changes #purism #pureos #librem #linux
RMS is unflappably rational. He's also uncompromising in a way that makes a lot of people uncomfortable (because it shows them up). Here's his list of reasons not to use Microsoft (despite their recent "charm offensive") - as usual, he's not wrong:
Librem 5 shipping starting 24 September 2019 #purism #linux #linuxphone #linuxmobile #gnome
Wow! That's an opener!
"Our modern secular religion is the worship of markets as self-correcting, self-perfecting systems that merely demand that we all act in our own self-interest to produce an outcome that makes us all better off. Whenever corporations thrive by making us all worse off, we’re told to stop complaining, because it is the “will of the market” at work."
Dieses Video trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf, und das auf sehr humoristische - bzw. angesichts der Botschaft tragikomische - Weise.
We're Fucked.
Die wichtigste Botschaft: Kommt mit zum #ClimateStrike am 20.9, und zur #InternationalRebellion ab dem 7.10.!
Brave Uncovers Google’s GDPR Workaround
We’ve published our Librem 5 Application Compatibility Chart with apps we and the community have tested and confirmed to run on the #Librem5 #purism #smartphone #mobile #disruption #linux #linuxmobile #linuxphone #gnome
Mein allerliebster #CodeOfConduct ist nach wie vor der von @lunduke : "Be Excellent to Each Other!" Nichts hinzuzufügen, aber schön, dass ich den Link dazu wiedergefunden habe 🔗
from @privacyint: "Six years after the @Snowden
revelations, two governments describe their mass surveillance programmes - but who even noticed?
We break down why it matters."
Da sind wir mal gespannt! #DSGVOfürInformiertesWasser 😂
RT Habe ich gerade abgeschickt. Ich nehme Wetten an, ob ich eine Antwort bekomme...
#Purism CTO Presents “A Mobile Phone that Respects Your Freedom” at #CCCamp #librem5 #linux #linuxmobile #linuxphone #gnome #gnomemobile #smartphone
Politische Bildung ist #gemeinnützig - "aber nur, so lange sie wirkungslos bleibt". So schön hat die ZDF-Satiresendung #dieAnstalt das #Attac-Urteil auf den Punkt gebracht. Diese Willkür schränkt auch unsere Förderprojekte ein. Wer es verpasst hat:
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Be excellent to each other
Free Software, privacy
Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan