And that was my story. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. And don't spend your holiday money in Austria, we suck.
Fahrt ihr in #Göttingen Fahrrad?
Umfrage zur Fahrradfreundlichkeit in Göttingen (im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit), Dauer ca. 10 Minuten, Teilnahme wäre sehr nett:
#Fahrrad #Verkehrswende #Radfahren #FahrradBubble #StadtEntwicklung #Mobilitätswende #FahrradAlltag
Serial connection via breakout board to my #Librem5 using a μArt serial-usb adapter.
While waiting for some press-fit headers I'm using poor mans press fit connection with nylon string.
I love the unique warm, almost analog look of the Librem 5 camera!
The image processor is still a work in progress but I would love it to retain that look in a way or another.
I use a somewhat old #V800 sports watch (what a joke, it's 10y old and #Polar does seem to have stoped support for it). I use it offline by downloading its data to my Linux notebook. While on vacation I could do the same using the same software stack on my mobile phone: a #Librem5.
Once in a a while I still get this feeling how amazing it is to have a small Linux computer in my pocket - even though it is already since more than a year my only mobile phone.
Eine Bildergeschichte über #Unwetter, Fahrzeuge mit #Hagel·schaden und die #Magie des kreativen #Reparieren.
Letztes Jahr habe ich es nicht geschafft, aber dieses Jahr ist es fertig geworden: Unser #Gründach.
Inzwischen ist schon etwas Sedum über die Angelegenheit gewachsen.
#ShotOnLibrem5, bearbeitet mit #ImagePipe veröffentlicht in #microblogpub in #tangram
BTW: #ShotOnLibrem5, cut to size using #ImageRoll on my #Librem5 and send usign #microblog opened in #tangram.
phosh 0.28.0 is out 🚀📱:
There's quality of life and visual improvements both in phone and docked mode.
Check the release notes for details:
#phosh #librem5 @purism #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux
Tangram, Flatpak and language settings Now, 13 month later, the matte protection foil on my #Librem5 had to be replaced, because it started to come off in one corner.
This time I opted for the "Matte Lite" version of the ViaScreens screen protector. Installation went as smooth as the first time.
First impression: I like the "Matte Lite" version better, because it lets the screen appear brighter while still softening reflections.
Attached some pictures to give an impression of the difference.
Milo hat einen äußerst seltenen Gendefekt, das Angelman-Syndrom. Insbesondere geistig entwickelt er sich langsam.
Seine Eltern brauchen Geduld für viele kleine Schritte. Gleichzeitig haben sie Dauerstress – jahrelang. #37Grad
VoIP client for Linux desktops
This account moved to @chris