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Most probably it is not the connector on the pinephone and the librem5 breaking at the same time.

I'll try with different cables first.

BTW: Does anybody have problems with the usb-c connector? If I move the phone or the nexdock there is a good chance it just disconnects, because the cables are somehow stiff and the connection mechanically isn't very strong.

Recently I started having problems using the with the , also: the librem5 didn't show anything on the screen of the nexdock within a few connection tries and then worked as expected.

After I already dumped the usb-cable that came with the nexdock, because I didn't get a consistent result in connecting the librem5 or the pinephone I started suspecting the problem might still be the connection.

Could be the cable I'm using now, could be the connector on the nexdock.


@pima, thanks for the idea! I connected the switched off to my . Switched on the nexdock, then switched on the phone. I had to enter my passphrase for the encrypted volume to boot which does on the pinephone only work using the on screen keyboard (on the librem5 I can use the nexdock keyboard).

After booted on the pinephone I unlocked the screen and found the convergence symbol in the top bar - but no output to the nexdocks screen.

Was unterscheidet den Menschen von der KI? In "Ich bin Dein Mensch" lebt die Wissenschaftlerin Alma testweise mit dem Androiden Tom zusammen. Er soll der perfekte Partner sein. Was klingt wie eine doofe romantische Komödie, ist ein ziemlich kluges Gedankenspiel und derzeit verfügbar in der ARD-Mediathek.

Since the last updates the screen on the switches back on when the is disconnected. So there's change and progress.

But the last time I tried to get the screen of the nexdock working with the pinephone it didn't switch on at all. Keyboard and touchpad are working, convergence symbol is shown in mobian and I can move windows to the inactive screen of the nexdock.

Everything looks as if the mobian is using the second screen even though no picture is shown.

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Looking for a simple and harmless running on the () for a 8 year old child . A multiplayer mode to use between two phones would be nice, too ;-).


2: check whether any files have been altered compared to repositories containing the packages containing the files. List files that do not belong to packages.

3: last time I looked into it new files have been ignored. Changes to directory content/structure in general should be monitoried.


- first boot setup: offer user to change the like masterkey for disk encryption
- offer boot medium that allows to evaluate all packages installed on a librem against repositories
- offer option to include as much as possible of /boot into the checksums evaluated by pureboot/heads

Looking for a simple and harmless running on the () for a 8 year old child . A multiplayer mode to use between two phones would be nice, too ;-).

Was erwartest Du? Du hast das Umfeld Deiner Mutter eben nicht rechtzeitig von WhatsApp abgebracht. In meiner Familie gibt es auch WhatsApp und ich bin strickt dagegen und mache nicht mit.

Meine Mutter, übrigens, hatte ich gebeten, wenigstens die AGBs, etc. zu lesen und sie wollte es dann plötzlich nicht mehr installieren. Andere interessiert eben auch das nicht.


- Wer sein Essen selbst kocht zahlt drauf: Die eigene Zeit dürfte immer teurer sein, als sich Fertignahrung zu kaufen. Selber kochen zu können scheint mitunter eine Frage der Bildung und der finanziellen Möglichkeiten geworden zu sein. Quasi ein Luxus statt einer Notwendigkeit.

- Die billigere, einfachere Variante - Fertignahrung - ist nicht reguliert, in der Gesamtwertung aber billiger und auf maximalen Profit optimiert und nicht auf ausgewogene Ernährung.


Ich habe mich auch über die merkwürdige Formulierung bezüglich der Preise gewundert, aber einen Zusammenhang zwischen nach unten drehender Preisspirale und dem sich gegenseitig Unterbieten der Discounter in Verbindung mit der Marktmacht der Lebensmittelkonzerne gibt es ziemlich sicher.

Die ohne Rücksicht auf Anstand produzierten Lebensmittel, bei denen nur auf die Kosten geschaut wird, landen im untersten Preissegment der Supermärkte.

Btw, the has got a function key to disable the big touch pad. I can't type on that thing without moving the cursor, so I disable the touchpad when starting to type.
Sadly the hasn't got this function key (as far as I know) and I had to disable the touchpad using the xinput command. I use a mouse with the librem14 anyway.
But a pre-configured hotkey to fill this gap would be a nice thing to have.

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Writing this on the connected to the . Primary display is the nexdock, secondary the l5. This seems to be a lot more stable.
Had an update on the l5 () and during reboot I could enter the pin for disk decryption on the nexdock and the nexdock showed a librem5 logo.
When the l5 entered screen lock the nexdock got disconnected and the terminal running on the nexdock screen got closed - which I didn't expect.

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, ,

Can't get the pinephone () to work stable with the nexdock - nexdock as single screen. Connecting needs often a few tries and usually includes some waiting until the screen of the nexdock activates. After that it isn't stable: after some time the screen on the nexdock deactivates and the screen on the pinephone doesn't show anything.
To get back control I either have to reboot or try to reconnect until I can reconfigure the screens. kanshi helps a bit.


This is really funny: just thought today that you didn't post any picture in a long time and that I might write to ask whether you're still active.

And like in a book by Murakami a picture posted by you arrives.


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