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Can't get the pinephone () to work stable with the nexdock - nexdock as single screen. Connecting needs often a few tries and usually includes some waiting until the screen of the nexdock activates. After that it isn't stable: after some time the screen on the nexdock deactivates and the screen on the pinephone doesn't show anything.
To get back control I either have to reboot or try to reconnect until I can reconfigure the screens. kanshi helps a bit.

Writing this on the connected to the . Primary display is the nexdock, secondary the l5. This seems to be a lot more stable.
Had an update on the l5 () and during reboot I could enter the pin for disk decryption on the nexdock and the nexdock showed a librem5 logo.
When the l5 entered screen lock the nexdock got disconnected and the terminal running on the nexdock screen got closed - which I didn't expect.

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Btw, the has got a function key to disable the big touch pad. I can't type on that thing without moving the cursor, so I disable the touchpad when starting to type.
Sadly the hasn't got this function key (as far as I know) and I had to disable the touchpad using the xinput command. I use a mouse with the librem14 anyway.
But a pre-configured hotkey to fill this gap would be a nice thing to have.

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