Projekt Gartenhaus a.k.a. Fahrradschuppen nimmt wieder Fahrt auf: Dachumrandung ist montiert.
Ein Streifen Drainagekies gesichtert in einem Kasten aus Schweißdraht dient als Absturzsicherung für das zukünftige Gründach.
Mit dem Anstrich könnte es noch etwas schneller gehen...
If I do not always comment on saying that vaccination is harmful or does not help against diseases and if I not
always take a stand against advices to use not scientifically proven substances as medicine it does not mean that I
agree - then I'm just busy with life elsewhere.
I hope we can learn from each other and that our mutual follow will connect two partly very different filter bubbles.
Welcome to my place, I hope we'll stay friendly and respectful during discussion 😏!
Welcome - I apreciate that you subscribed to my toots.
The fact you did made me wonder when I read your last toots: I'm 3x vaccinated, the oldest three of my children are vaccinated, I strongly believe in scientific reasoning and I don't doubt the counts of death due to sever infection diseases.
Our views and opinions might well align when it comes to surveillance capitalism and probably your a nice person since you're interested in my opinion even though it differs from yours.
- make compost
- use a dry toilet
- collect and use rainwater
Tried it, worked well.
Megi got some additional information, that only a hand full of the keyboards with the problem got shipped before the error has been found - so your likely not needing to short anything on your keyboard.
@PINE64 kindly offered to replace my keyboard which didn't work at all before I took it apart and put it together again.
And yes, it is REALLY hard to open the case.
New stable release? When? 🤗
Die #Dokureihe stellt fünf Bäcker:innen in Europa vor.
"Die Brotrebellen" zeigen, dass Brot mehr ist als Mehl, Wasser und Salz...
(jeweils 32 min) verfügbar bis 16/12/2022
#FARBfernsehen #Brotrebellen
Hey #Polar, was für ein komisches Unternehmen seid ihr?
Um die Batterie im Trittfrequenz- und Geschwindigkeitssensor zu wechseln muss man das geklebte Plastikgehäuse aufschneiden?
Ja, aufbrechen, aufschneiden, aufdremeln.
Um die Batterie zu wechseln?
Wir brauchen nicht nur das Recht auf Reparatur, sondern ein Recht auf "Batteriewechsel"?
Uhm, also Bengel4 (1J) von #1EngelUnd4Bengel kann jetzt auf den Schreibtisch greifen und sich Dinge herunterholen.
Eine gewisse Begabung bei der Untersuchung von Gegenständen lässt sich auch erkennen.
Keine Ahnung, wann ich das letzte Mal mit einem Stift das Magnetband wieder in eine #Audiokassette gewickelt habe.
First-ever Gitea comment on an issue from a remote instance!!! 🎉
@SheDrivesMobility ist hier auch. Du kannst ihre Beiträge auch hier verstärken... 🤭
Kind reminder: there is no cloud, just other people's computers. Get your magnet and T-shirt.
Done - working!
Put together the keyboard and tested again: Works, charges.
Thanks again to megi! His work can be found here:
To make it safe giving the mini computer phone thing to my kids I hot glued close the usb-c of the #pinephone since it is strongly adviced not to use it while connected to the keyboard - especially for charging which would be the only connections my kids do regularly.
Having a working soldering iron for small electronics again I went for the #pcb of the #pinephone keyboard.
Like shown on the pictures in the forum post I shorted D1 with a tiny little piece of wire.
I guess I'll go for one of those magnifying glasses my dentist uses. Even in good light I can barely see this stuff without magnification.
To check my job I took this picture. It works. It really works and charges again.
Still gotta put together all the parts for a final check...
O.k., some soldering to do. But my cheap soldering iron had a broken cable and to replace it I'd need to solder a new one to its pcb (#Pinecil not delivered, yet, when will they restock @PINE64?).
I do only this one #soldering iron, but I still had a little burner. So I tried the first time soldering with that one and got the job done 😏.
It didn't look really good and I put some hot glue for extra insulation and security.
Soldering iron working again.
Uh, #repair morning.
Had a #PinePhone keyboard delivered. But it didn't work at all.
Support didn't know what to do about it and offered to send a replacement.
I asked megi (firmwares author) whether he could make use of the broken device. No.
I disassembled it, didn't find any obvious problem, plugged everything back in and the keyboard suddenly worked, but the internal battery did not charge.
Megi pointed me into the right direction and I found this post:
This account moved to @chris