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A few steps further on the Rust site generator. Writing tests first is helping quite a bit.

Got started on the Rust site generator I started working on to handle a blog my fiancée wants to make today. I organized some thoughts as issues on my Gitea, and then moved forward writing tests for the interface I wanted. By the end, I ticked many boxes and largely finished the argument handling. Configuring the library and binary logging is next, and then the actual server route handling.

All of my active projects are now dual-licensed Apache 2.0 and MIT. I've also moved the project pages to my Gitea instance. got slicker arg parsing (thanks to the clap crate) along with new licenses. Tests are on the agenda here. got a new license, and in its next release will get better arg parsing (but stay stdlib only) and tests. got a new license, and might see some refactoring in the near future.

CI/CD to come!

I do believe I’ll be changing to a dual license on my projects tomorrow.

Added some issues on one of my projects to help get me started. If I get any free time I’ll start writing tests, and then making them pass.

After a flurry of last minute fixes to problems arising from my inability to guess what’s in code I’ve never seen, I managed to issue quite a few patches and deploy fixes to my infrastructure by way of flawlessly executed tasks by my new hire. Today’s overall stress level was still unacceptable, but the silver lining is that the growth in my team means the load is shared just a little more and I no longer stand alone. I’ll take that as a win.

It was supposed to be a quiet and relaxed Monday.

It was not.

Mention of AutoSSH in the latest @purism post ( prompted me to go check on the performance of my replacement for that software.

More than 300 machines on it now, and the recovery rate after a network flap is 100%. I'm not mad about that at all.

It's not the prettiest Bash ever written, but it works:

My fiancée asked for a blog, and now I’ve learned a lot about async with .

Right then, now my services are setup correctly and I’ve added to the mix. Gitea, Synapse, and a Matrix-IRC bridge are happily running backed by PostgreSQL on another machine.

But first, some unit files need a bit of attention on one my personal servers...

This weekend I’m going to work on a few more personal projects in Rust. One is a job execution framework (not really a true RPC, but also not that different), and another is what the world has been waiting for: yet another bloggish site generator 😂

I’ve got a friend with some young teenagers interested in learning to code. Hit me with any recommended resources if you’ve got ‘em.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray my pager does not beep
If servers crash before I wake
I pray it will not escalate

Orders a few microcontrollers today to dive into the embedded side of my Rust journey. The more I use Rust the more I like it. Soon I’ll start porting some old atmega328p stuff over to stm32f3 and esp32c3 just because I can.

phosh running inside a container under phosh, plus phosh's source code in Qt Creator - all on the Librem 5. Perfect for when you want to work on the phone on the phone :D

Librem 14: Adding Librem EC, Freed Embedded Controller Firmware

"Starting with the Librem 14 laptop we are including fully liberated Embedded Controller (EC) firmware with all the source code available."

I replaced my personal laptop with a Librem 5 and laptop dock for a week. Here are my impressions:

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml