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phosh 0.35.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes the per-app feedback level selection in mobile settings (thanks to Teemu Ikonen). (No other changes in this point release).

Release notes are at

Livi (a little video player for ) (but it also has a wide mode for convergent use now) will soon remember stream positions so it's easy to continue watching. Here's how it looks in :

phosh 0.35.0 is out 🚀📱:

Among other QoL improvements this fixes the suspend inhibitor when using your phone as a WiFi hotspot and gives more screen estate due to a narrow home bar (by mathew-dennis),

Check out the full release notes at

...and it allows to paste screenshots for apps that don't allow to paste directly.

For everyone at #37C3 into #LinuxMobile and more broadly free software on phones in general: This session should be interesting:

I've released 0.0.5, a little video player mostly targeting mobile:

Among other things we make better use of screen estate in landscape even when not fullscreen.

#Debian provides documentation packages for many libraries, languages and tools. Why I like it so much?
- No matter how good your uplink is, localhost is faster
- Sometimes connectivity is poor or absent (on planes, country-side etc)
- Grep is faster that any search engine
- You can save on battery and metered SIM data
- Debian removes privacy-breaching images, javascript, cookies, ads
- Installed documentation is always at the same version as the language/tool/library

"SMTP Smuggling" vulnerability in Postfix allows to spoof senders even in the presence of some DMARC checks. Configuration workarounds exist.

Also, a wholehearted f* you to SEC Consult, who sat on this since June and disclosed it to some closed-source vendors and MSPs, but could apparently not be bothered to give e.g. Postfix a heads-up, publishing this close to the holidays.

Boosts for awareness welcome.

You should give more money to people, organisations, and companies that enable you to use software, which you are allowed to use, understand, share, and improve than to those who restrict you in those essential rights.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #SoftwareFreedom

Every now and then people wonder how to replace 's on screen keyboard and what interfaces are needed. Here's some notes on that:

phosh 0.34.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes two user visible regressions that crept into 0.34.0.

Check out the full release notes at

I'm proud to announce that a Wesnoth has turned 20 years old! Starting with version 0.1 tagged on June 18th 2003, Wesnoth has grown with the help of hundreds of volunteers continually improving all aspects of the game. And while admittedly Wesnoth is no longer at the peak of its popularity, there are still many developers, translators, add-on authors, moderators, and players helping to keep Wesnoth going strong. Thank you everyone for all your work, and here's to another 20 years of Wesnoth!

commit messages are not only a service to your fellow developers, they're also a service to your future self asking: "Why exactly did I change that back then?" (when the forge or gitlab instance with all the merge requests and discussions might be long gone).

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