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It's been a great week so far.

piglit run quick_cl
pass: 2871 fail: 707 crash: 32 skip: 76

#etnaviv #mesa3d

As announced earlier, I started collecting important missing features for daily driving a gnu/linux phone.

You can see the currently identified list here, please contribute more.

Use GNU/Linux (not android) as a daily driver already?

Have you tried using and given up?

Are you keen to switch away from #Android to a more sustainable approach to developing an operating system, where collecting maximum personal data is not its driving philosophy?

#mobian #debian

I've lost my PinePower ( at #FrOSCon2024

It was last seen around around 18:00 at the FOSS on Mobile booth.

lost+found hasn't turned anything up yet.
The spot on my desk where it used to sit feels very empty now,
so please reach out if you stumble upon it ;)

#FrOSCon19 #LinuxMobile

My talk "eSIM management on Qualcomm phones" from Sunday at #FrOSCon is now subtitled and ready to watch on my YouTube channel!

I hope you enjoy and learn something!

#FrOSCon19 #FrOSCon2024

While memory is still fresh I summed up my gist from helping to organize/run this years devroom at : ( in the hope that we can do another one next year (and there'd be people interested to participate again).

Did you miss a talk at #FrOSCon? Some recordings are already available here: with more to follow
#froscon2024 #froscon19

Why and how to teach students about F(L)OSS? The recordings of my #FroSCOn talk about this topic are online now:

Abstract and slides live here:

Again, many thanks to all who made #FrOSCon19 possible!

@linmob talking about the Linux phone app ecosystem in the FOSS on Mobile dev room at

I did a talk at #FrOSCon #LinuxMobile #devroom today, about those Weekly Updates I have been doing for a while.

(There's no official recording, and I forgot to do audio recoding, so here are the slides, and unfortunately just those)

phosh 0.41.0 is out 🚀📱:

- media player widget gained track position, length and progress bar
- New Wi-Fi HotSpot QuickSetting
- New Bluetooth Status page
- More vert space for status pages
- Silent mode on Vol-
- new layouts in squeekboard
- swipe to close gesture in phosh-osk-stub

There's much more. Check out the full release notes at

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

We celebrate our 31 year anniversary today with hobbyists, tinkerers, enthusiasts, visionaries, innovators, and dreamers. We see you change the world every day and we are proud to explore with you. You made this happen, Thank You! p.s. we kind of have an official thing going on: #debian #debianday.

I've tagged version 0.0.2 of - a client library.

This release focuses on making Matrix support in more robust, simplifying some APIs and improving the documentation (which is now automatically generated at

See for the list of changes and contributors.

Do you have any plans for next weekend yet?

#FrOSCon is a coming and there is lots of interesting talks, workshops and conversations to be had 🚀

Even if you can't attend in person,
you can join remotely using our #matrix channel

Don't forget to

#apt #install #confy to follow the conference

#froscon2024 #chatty

Took me 3 days of soldering, but it works!

I can connect it to a Librem 5 and it automatically does all the needed PD stuff to expose its UART over USB-C 😁 It's also capable of a lot of other PD magic as a USB PD analyzer / injector / filter.

However, while these solder joints made a good job lasting till I got the firmware PoC working, it doesn't seem like they're going to last much longer... More soldering ahead 😫

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml