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After the news that funding for the @NGI4eu initiative would be cut for the next phase of #HorizonEU, the @EU_Commission has expressed vague support for #FreeSoftware.

The EC needs to come up with dedicated budget for #FreeSoftware solutions:

Maintaining CI is like gardening angry, carnivorous plants that still may give you delicious fruit... if you keep them happy.

#Librem5 users waiting for #PureOS Crimson: Giving money to Purism is not the only option:

I (Peter) for one definitely trust @devrtz more than a company distracted by building a robot ;-)

Hi @agx, I recently bought a second hand EV (Nissan Leaf) and was intrigued by this application you wrote:

I decided to add Nissan API support to it and it was a very fun project 😊
I used pyO3 to call this python library meant for Home Assistant and it’s working!

I just need to figure out how to handle choice between Kia and Nissan and I will open a MR.

I am proud to annouce that the Gstreamer GTK4 plugin is now available in #Debian. This will allow to directly offload the load of video decoding to hardward via dmabuf, thus greatly reducing CPU load.
#Gstreamer #Rust #Debian

Just learned at #FOSSY24 (thanks to @allison ) about the #OpenInfra policy for AI generated content: (v0.9.2 at the time of my writing). It's a very reasonable approach, rooted in the best-practices that mature FOSS projects have applied for a very long time for vetting code contributions.

@phosh @furilabs Indeed 😍 . Phosh is one thing what makes this so awesome.

I'm glad to annouce Loupe 46.2 and snapshot 46.3 are now available in unstable.
This was blocked by a massive update of crates I worked on the past two months. #Rust #Debian #GNOME

I had a peaceful calm talk today, usually I rush things up. A talk that I can finally place in peace to (page under construction).

Shout out to @Anoop & @agx 👋

Since 2010, the Debian Snapshot service functions as a "wayback machine" that allows access to old packages based on dates and version numbers. However, this service has been in need for big maintenance for quite a while. Luckily, thanks to Glasklar Teknik AB and DSA in June 2024 the service has been migrated to new hardware and is now fully up and running again: enjoy #debian

The above networks are mocked via python-dbusmock. Here's a screenshot of a real list:

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@arunmani and myself worked a bit on making Wi-Fi networks easier to select in 's quick setting status page by giving the Wi-Fi list more vertical space and making each list box row a bit wider thus making it easier to select via touch (the same applies to other status pages like Bluetooth device selection):

#Gandi va à nouveau augmenter ses tarifs [1] pour les noms de domaine : pour un .be on passe de 24€/an à 38€/an ! Il y a un an on était à 15€/an seulement, c'est de l'escroquerie sans aucune honte à ce niveau-là.

Je pense qu'il est temps de passer chez, un registrar sous forme de coopérative qui est en train de se lancer.


Great news for those who could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, there are so far 18 videos published for viewing at your leisure: #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea #debian

Earlier this cycle Teemu Ikonen added support for displaying track position / length and a progress indicator to #phosh's media player widget 🥳 :

Gentle reminder: There'll be a devroom at on 17./18. of August.

If you want to submit a talk, presentation, round table or BoF head to .

All related topic welcome.

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