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Purism and the Linux 5.2 Kernel.

Here’s a list of contributions for the Linux 5.2 kernel cycle, for which our team recently contributed with 14 patches.

i.MX8MQ's MIPI DPY driver entered linux next ( - one more thing of the display stack going mainline (number of driver wise we're halway there now but the large chunks are still ahead)

For those yaml indenters out there (I'm looking at you @gitlab CI):

's `set cursorcolumn` is very helpful

Congrats to @purism for the progress on the #Librem5 :)

Many thanks to the whole team for their work on a Libre mobile OS. Keep up the good work!

I’m looking for a consultant regarding EU funding for MNT Reform (open source hardware portable computer/platform), maybe in the context of Horizon 2020 or similar. Please RT

MiniDebConf Marseille (France) happening this weekend! Follow the live streaming at

"Für die Zukunft"

Ganz starker Auftritt von Christine #Prayon heute in #München anlässlich der Verleihung des "Dieter-Hildebrandt-Preises": In ihrer Dankesrede prangert sie den Ausstieg aus #Limux an und spendet das Preisgeld der @fsfe.

Danke dir <3

Prayons Dankesrede im Wortlaut:

Mini-DebConf Marseille (France) is only in 10 days! See the schedules and register on #Debian #DebianFrance

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