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@arunmani @phosh …and we'll get rid of the long press - hope it lands soon. Thanks @arunmani !

@LovePoison @isyourbrainFOSS It's part of feedbackd 0.5.0. Uploaded to Debian already, other distros will likely pick it up too soon.

@StefanKarstens ….und ein weiterer Spin um Kaptialmärkte als was positives zu verkaufen und Abhängigkeiten dahin zu erzeugen. Man rettet dann icht mehr die bösen Banken sondern die gute Rente 😃

@peja @isyourbrainFOSS is DE independent so the slider should work just as well. But AFAIK phosh is currently the only shell implementing the status icon to track the current profile and sending out feedback on notifications via feedbackd. So you'd lack that part (but it would still work for apps like calls that send feedback via feedbackd directly).

We're currently collecting a bunch of issues to then work on in the next two quarters:

If you have further ideas, comments or just general input, please chime in!

Thanks to the bits and pieces collected by @isyourbrainFOSS we can now support the alert slider on the /6T to toggle 's full/quiet/silent profiles.

#Linux OpenPrinting #CUPS vulnerabilities

Use the following command to determine if cups-browsed is running:

$ sudo systemctl status cups-browsed

If the result includes "Active: inactive (dead)" then the exploit chain is halted and the system is not vulnerable

If the result is "running" or "enabled" then the system may be vulnerable.

Mitigation is simple, especially in any environment where printing is not needed.

$ sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed

$ sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed

For those running #postmarketos edge on a device with working camera - the number of which is raising fast enough to make me lose track - and you want to play around with the great new #gnomecamera / #gnomesnapshot #gnome47 release: you'll need to install gst-plugins-rs manually until some build issues are fixed.

The release features *heavily* improved rendering performance, mainly thanks to improvements in #gtk4 and the #gstreamer gtk4paintablesink (also for apps using the aperture library)

@cosmin Interesting. What threw me off was the tone off the message. I mean I didn't violate their terms of service or anything (how would I without an approved account :smile:). So it seems they already have enough customers.

@Psyhackological @popey I've used as I only need the host for a short periods of time.

@popey Thanks a lot for letting me know!

I don't think shooting first and then hoping the customer goes hunting for them is a good business practice so I'll happily spend my money elsewhere.

@arunmani I wrote that I'm not happy with their decision but went for another provider already.

@arunmani That's what saddens me too. I've recommended Hetzner so many times. But seems not anymore 😢

I wanted to rent some CPU power from Hetzner to calc better text prediction data for .

Created account via VPN so they wanted additional ID information which I sent with passport number removed. Resulting in:

After reviewing your updated customer information, we have decided to deactivate your account because of some concerns we have regarding this information. Therefore, we have cancelled all your existing products and orders with us.

I can't recommend this service.

@BlackIkeEagle Phosh shouldn't affect the GNOME session (or other DEs). I'm switching from Phosh to GNOME (and other DEs) sometimes to check e.g. compositor behavior and never experienced problems in that regard.

Regarding nextcloud. Are youusing
nextcloud-desktop? I just got myself a test account at and can sync folders just fine under phosh.

Did you know that you can call #Emacs functions in #vterm like you can do in Eshell?
Using vterm-eval-cmds you can either commands that don't exist in a shell or replace those that exist.
E.g. instead of man you can call the Emacs manapge mode.
You just have to print something to the terminal with the right escape sequence so vterm receives
the right control sequence to know what to call.

Look at my config for more examples:

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