@gordoooo_z Regarding swipe input see https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub/-/blob/main/doc/phosh-osk-stub.rst?ref_type=heads&plain=1#L286 and the thread around https://fosstodon.org/@badrihippo/113304999034923284
@andyholmes@floss.social @badrihippo @Lehmanator Thanks for the update! Could you file a bug? There's ever so often the question for a `send` API in chatty and for "DB" access and it seems TinySPARQL could be a good way forward for the later (also mentions of apps doing similar things are welcome 😃 )
@rasumi Got to check with the squeekboard maintainers for that - I would assume so though.
@sohrab I happily take patches to fix that up - preferably tested by somebody speaking the language on p-o-s as there can be ever so subtle differences.
@fsfi has published an article on @prav
Prav - A Free Software Challenger To WhatsApp
By me and @badrihippo
October 13, 2024
Do you care about Free Software but still end up using WhatsApp for your messaging needs? It is ironic that a large part of the Free Software community in India is still using a proprietary software — #WhatsApp — for their everyday communications.
Thanks to Benson and contrapunctus for reviewing.
@spv Filed that here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/issues/1131
@spv Scrolling back up I see you asked for polkit in the first place (I was reading system prompt), sorry for the confusion.
@spv polkit even has its on prompt (and DBus API) separate from system prompts (that e.g. gpg or SIM unlock uses). It's not driven by gcr so one could use a keypad for that case.
@spv Not in the case of the prompter, that's a DBus API so the app needs to sent the hint over the channel (hence the MR). (The text-input client in this case is the shell not the app)
@spv In fact phosh would like to do it but there's currently no way for apps to indicate that a keypad would be the preferred choice: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gcr/-/merge_requests/79
@generationX @monster @Sparkwave @kramo If you count in phosh (which bases heavily on GNOME) there's literally thousands of users alone from the phones shipped by Purism, add to that the Mobian and Droidian users, those of FLX1 and GNOME based pmOS variants you get a substantial number. I assume it's only a fraction of desktop GNOME users but they sure exist.
@badrihippo @Lehmanator @itsfoss …so next step is uploading to Debian?
@badrihippo @Lehmanator @itsfoss Nice. I think chatty lacks the needed interfaces yet (can't link to Gitlab atm).
@badrihippo @itsfoss check https://github.com/andyholmes/valent . I haven't tried it but would be interesting to see how well it works and maybe see it in distributions.
@eliasr 👍 If you it frequently I'd add a shortcut for that as it otherwise involved 4 clicks.
@zrzz Right. I'm in the "screen" camp where this is useful too.
@BrianA @WeAreFairphone Thanks for the hint. I need good noise canceling. From what I've read this isn't the case for these?
you can also see @arunmani 's work on improved quick setting in the picture above and here's a quick demo (already landed on main):