If you are not happy with your on-screen-keyboard (#squeekboard) on Mobian, you might want to try out #phosh-osk-stub which is @agx's toy keyboard. I like the layout a lot, apparently it even features local text prediction (have not tried that yet).
Remember, it is a toy, so hold back on your support requests.
Installation TL;DR: apt install phosh-osk-stub && update-alternatives --config Phosh-OSK
phosh 0.35.1 is out 🚀📱:
This fixes the per-app feedback level selection in mobile settings (thanks to Teemu Ikonen). (No other changes in this point release).
Release notes are at https://phosh.mobi/releases/rel-0.35.1/
Livi (a little video player for #LinuxMobile) (but it also has a wide mode for convergent use now) will soon remember stream positions so it's easy to continue watching. Here's how it looks in #phosh :
@mobian @fairphone Great! Seems we're lacking support for that device in gmobile so #phosh can avoid the notch (there's data for an FP4 but not FP5).
@rmader Awesome news!
@meldrian Aktuelles phosh ist auch immer in den Debian repos. D.h. Du kannst auch erst mal "plain" Debian nehmen und dann einzelne Pakete aus Mobian dazupacken wenn irgendwas z.B. nicht auf den Screen passt. Bei Tablets/Convertibles ist das aber oft nicht nötig.
Zur Sicherheit: Das Paket "extrepo" macht Mobian einbinden unter Debian besonders einfach.
phosh 0.35.0 is out 🚀📱:
Among other QoL improvements this fixes the suspend inhibitor when using your phone as a WiFi hotspot and gives more screen estate due to a narrow home bar (by mathew-dennis),
Check out the full release notes at https://phosh.mobi/releases/rel-0.35.0/
#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux
@kop316 ...and it allows to paste screenshots for apps that don't allow to paste directly.
Thanks to @subins2000 Sadiq and @agx I can now type in Malayalam on my Librem 5.
A short look back at what happened around #phosh in 2023:
@pocketvj File a bug against the app 😃 (or maybe Droidian to pick one that works, depending on which app that is)
@pocketvj select/copy/paste works fine here. (Using phosh-osk-stub: https://gitlab.gnome.org/guidog/phosh-osk-stub). Otherwise I couldn't do a thing. I have CTRL-{,SHIFT}-{C,V} as keyboard shortcuts in the terminal layout so it's super quick.
@linmob The "not recorded" makes me a little sad 😢 . Have fun nevertheless!
For everyone at #37C3 into #LinuxMobile and more broadly free software on phones in general: This session should be interesting: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2023/hub/en/event/smartphones-freedom-status-in-2023/