today I added a script to my #gemini capsule to allow me to add to my /bookmarks.gmi file *using gemini*.
Seems like some of the browser experience could be done out in geminispace itself... less requirement for client authors, though that means more things "in the cloud".
@friend @postmarketOS ooh we *still* don't have a dang screenshot bind out of the box... Don't worry the key bind I used here is *only* for the proof of concept, check out the WIP MR for more details:
. @wholesomedonut wants to see technology as it is: "a miraculous, marvelous invention whose original intents have long been uprooted by a society full of greed and indifference"
I hope you're able to get free from the vitriol and set your mind on higher things. (Unfollowing negative accounts helps, but maybe taking a break from the fediverse would be best).
starting to try to compile #organicMaps on a raspberry pi zero... it's armhf, so if the problem (running it on the pinephone) is architecture based, this will likely also fail.
Which got me thinking more about #usfm2gmi:
If I were to make a #bible gem-app, what feature options would be desired?
Would any of the following be useful, and how should they look in #gemtext?
* notes (currently in square brackets)
* cross-references (currently in parentheses)
* word references (I experimented once with putting Strong's references in superscript)
* red-lettering (ideologically, I disagree with this)
* section titles
* chapter divisions
* verse numbers
Wrote a little #awk script to create an outline of the #openEnglishBible gemini:// so you can navigate the bible without thinking about the verse and chapter numbers.
Was reading #linbits by @linmob and feeling kind of left out, running #postmarketos 21.03, so I upgraded to master/edge. It broke phosh startup, but was fairly easy to fix by (plugging in a keyboard and) removing some unused packages and running `apk fix`.
thought i would compare mastodon clients for mobile linux.
Compiled and set up #tootle . #GnomeSocial is still compiling dependencies. One of these is written in #rust , can you guess which one? (this experience makes me want to learn #vala)
> Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to his design. If we have lost our time heretofore, we must double our diligence for the future. Of that time which thousands on a dying bed would gladly redeem at the price of the whole world, how little do men think, and to what trifles they daily sacrifice it! People are very apt to complain of bad times; it were well if that stirred them more to redeem time. – Matthew Henry
What could substitute for it?
I think too nobody wants to be reminded of death today, much less learn how to die.
The other part of the solution was to install #pavucontrol, which allowed me to set the (proportedly unplugged) headphone jack as the output. I guess the #pinephone hardware was having a hard time detecting the plug state of that. Sadly, plugging into my speakers produced a quieter sound than using the internal speaker.
@zachdecook Just guessing: You may be missing some gstreamer plugins. Try installing gst-plugins-bad and if that does not help gst-plugins-ugly.
On #postmarketos 21.03.1 with #phosh, the #pinephone can play ogg files in #lollypop fine over bluetooth (by changing output in audio sources list).
Anyone got pointers for playing mp3, flac, m4a files over the headphone jack?
They skip in #mpv, and don't show up in lollypop. The headphone jack doesn't show up in sound settings.
Week 2 with the #pinephone. Used the phone to flash #postmarketos #phosh onto an SD card.
I love #squeekboard's customizability (yaml files for custom layout). #kgx is buggy with scrolling issues, can't copy-paste.
Wish phosh was more customizable (custom button actions on bottom bar plz?), use wallpaper in the launcher/lockscreen. How can I customize the password numpad on the lockscreen?
My hand is always accidentally touching the edge of the screen (got a popsocket and this still happens)
Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces new editions of public domain ebooks that are lovingly formatted, open source, free of copyright restrictions, and free of cost
Day 4 of #manjaroarm #plasmamobile on the #pinephone
It's really cool that I can compile full apps directly on this device.
I'm gonna move my sim card back because I need stability, and the constant crashing doesn't give that; I missed my first phone call.
If the tethering worked, I might have kept my sim in there a while longer, because of Google Voice WiFi calling on android device.
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.