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@dschier Why should I care that they copied my stuff? I choose GPLv3/AGPLv3 because I want the code to always be free. If they succeed in attracting users, that's no harm to me. If anything, it's still publicity for me, as removing my copyright info is a violation.

@craftyguy If you work for a company that makes proprietary software, and you want to release "Linux apps that run anywhere", please follow these steps:
1. Choose a software license:
2. Release the source code

@ebassi @joao @alatiera I assume 'being able to test kernel updates before shipping them to your customers' is a big starting point.

@greggex @popey They're all based on the same principle: if you wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle, you'll feel groggy.

@popey As a heads up that might affect you, I wasn't able to get the browser extension to work inside the Chromium snap (in pop!_OS, which I'm using for work). Works great every day for me in (deb-installed) Firefox.

@popey I've used KeepassXC (desktop with browser plugin) and KeepassDX (android) and Secrets (aka gnome-passwordsafe for mobile linux).

You can sync the password file using your favorite file-syncing system, or Nextcloud, which also has a webapp for viewing the passwords.

@Sage7225 e.g. don't build your community distribution on top of a commercial distribution. (this is why Linux Mint Debian Edition exists)

Facebook and federation 

@Blort @linmob Picking a favorite feature from a month would lead to some projects being overlooked (I'm never going to feature a project I don't care about). Instead, maybe we look at each project (we care about) and feature its most-important update when it happened. (so it's okay if 2 important things happened in one month).

We are rapidly approaching three years of Weekly Updates on #LinuxMobile! :tux: 📱🎉

Please help on with coming up a nice summary of all that time to celebrate! The pad for this is at

Thank you, @Blort for the great idea!

@jameschip If they really were her favorites, why would she always be "sick" when they try to invite her for dinner?

@mdrights Graceful quit is two-finger drag down. (three fingers for forceful)

@drewdevault Props for prioritizing your quality of life, though. My SO used to complain a lot about missed calls in my pinephone stage, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That being said, I was curious that you ran Phosh instead of . The gestures and menus make more comfortable, and is a solid base.

@drewdevault That's really sad about your bank requiring the app to log in to their website. I had given up on running modern (proprietary) apps before switching to mobile Linux: it pushes even normal people to upgrade their phone before they desire just so they can get a required update with "bug fixes and security enhancements".

@hamblingreen my nextcloud usage has been dwindling. I use anonymous uploads, password prote-ted (expiring) share, and occasionally news (RSS reader). Of the groupware, mostly caldav is one I rely on so my wife and I can share a calendar.

@hamblingreen What is 'feature-complete'? Will it support 'apps' like nextcloud does?

Released the firmware for the Controller on sourcehut (with automatic builds)
This is a real product (you can buy) that is mostly for playing music (but may some day be a )

@ministerofimpediments @popey
My wife clued me in to her family secret recipe: add Cold Stone coffee creamer to the eggs before scrambling. Don't add too much, or your eggs will taste like icecream!

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