Why does it look like a sim card? Is that slot just for smart cards?
Says James "Chip" Henderson, expert at making ncurses-based drawing programs.
Do you play it with a controller, or on a keyboard? How are controls configured (where is the jump button, and where is the dash button)?
Pocket Paint is the only painting/image manipulation android app I recommend.
I especially love layers, and how the bucket fill uses transparent colors.
The only feature which is lacking is semi-transparent image masking.
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #org_catrobat_paintroid #fdroid_app_comments
We need to talk about matrix.org
This is 002 of #100DaysToOffload
Added the option to see each 1-bit channels per line, and the assembled 4-colors result.
Added some features I liked from Acme, right-click to find the next instance for a word.
When I start using a new program, usually I spend some time changing the keyboard shortcuts to what I'm used to. This sometimes involves learning a new configuration file format. In the case of ~rabbits/left, it was very easy, as the 'configuration' is just a couple of functions in the c source code.
@zachdecook @akkartik I use a mouse and it feels pretty great :D
Though `git remote add akkartik https://git.sr.ht/~akkartik/left; git remote add zach https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/left` is still decentralized, has fewer context switches, cuts out email *and* code review. The only issue is scaling for many contributors :P
e.g. after I added scroll wheel support (https://lists.sr.ht/~rabbits/public-inbox/patches/16432), I've been able to use left for general purpose editing, rather than another editor.
When did you start using left to edit left.c?
Has it fully replaced your primary editor, at least for editing left?
At what point (commit hash?) did it get to where new commits are written in it?
Wait, you guys have fancy schpancy chr editors?
I've just been using txt2chr (https://git.sr.ht/~earboxer/chr2txt2chr), plus my new favorite text editor:
Are full-color (four color) chr fonts a planned feature, or is that something I'll have to maintain in my own fork?
@cwbuckm @neauoire
I've translated the first 50 lines from ocr output into readable C code.
Maybe somebody wants to do the next 50 lines?
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.