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What if your Social Media, Email, & Chat were run by a company that...

- Doesn't sell ads
- Doesn't sell data
- Doesn't look at your junk

It exists. Right now.

Imagine a social network that doesn't profit off collecting and selling your data.

If you're reading this, you don't need to imagine.

Now over 85% towards the backer goal for Librem One!

Check out the services (VPN, Email, Social, & Chat -- all of which are already online and running) at:

"This is a GAME CHANGER! Purism's ETHICAL services are HERE!"

- @gbryant (aka "The Linux Gamer")

Curious about the Librem One moderation policy or code of conduct?

"If you are being harassed, or witness online harassment, block and flag the offending user, and a moderator will take action. We do not tolerate harassment."

More information here:

Librem One Code of Conduct:

"Most people want to opt-in to what they want to follow, be that a news feed, a celebrity, a friend, or family. Most people do not want to be force-fed a constant stream of manipulated content to catch and keep their attention."

"Please try and use platforms that value open source firmware components. Chromebooks are a great example of this, as well as Purism computers."

- @jessfraz

"With all of these privacy problems showing up with the biggest social networks and technology companies around, some companies are working on giving users back control over their data and communications."

Private secure messaging, end-to-end encrypted communications, and public social; as it should be.

- No Ads
- No Tracking
- We respect you

Sign up for as little as... free.

"Librem One makes a compelling all-in-one pitch to the privacy minded by offering privacy alternatives to WhatsApp, Twitter, Gmail and other services

Anyone looking to wrest back control of their data from big tech like Facebook, Microsoft and Google now has a clear, convenient and cost-effective choice."

- @omgubuntu

Librem 5 hardware update report for May 8th!

Including: Display drivers accepted upstream, Mesa, SMS, and compositor work.

Today we've updated the Librem One website with two important documents:

A short guide to staying safe online no matter what online service you are using. Like our policy document we've kept it short and to the point, with links to more detailed, independent resources if you'd like to learn more.

As well as a code of conduct that makes it clear we will respond to reports of harassment, for example on Librem Social, our opt-in social network.

One of the fundamental design goals for Librem One, outside of privacy, was linking all of our services under a single convenient login.

One account for:
- Email
- Social
- Chat
- VoIP & Video

One price. One account.

- Encrypted email
- Encrypted chat (+voice & video)
- Social Network

No ads. No tracking. The way it should be.

Curious about the policies for Librem.One services (Chat, Social, etc.)?

- No Ads.
- No Tracking.
- We don't share or sell any of your data.
- We do not build profiles.
- We release all of our source code as Free Software.

More details here:

"At Purism we will continue to work with, advance, partner, fund, push upstream, and most importantly release all our software under free software licenses."

"Most people want to retain their privacy and freedom and most people are concerned about their digital footprint. Most people do not want to be tracked all the time from all devices."

Purism boosted
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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml