Heute Abend in der Roschistrasse Bern
Netzneutralität in der Schweiz gesetzlich vorgeschrieben https://gnulinux.ch/netzneutralit%C3%A4t-in-der-schweiz-gesetzlich-vorgeschrieben
Great to see that #FreeSoftware #GNUTaler is now operational at Bern University of Applied Sciences https://taler.net/en/news/2020-09.html
The first photo taken on a #pinephone that's focussed.
Now I have a WIP kernel branch with OV5640 autofocus working
Eager to run linux kernel 5.8 on @mobian ? Can you keep a secret? -> https://repo.mobian-project.org/pool/main/l/linux-5.8-sunxi64/
#threema sounds interesting.
Wishlist: Fork for #pinephone and #librem5
And before you ask..., the failing asound comes straight from the debian repos and not ours. SOmething seems to be configured differently and failing on mobian.
FOSS enthusiast
Table tennis coach and player
ex. Mechanical engineer at some company doing some IT lately.
More here: https://petrisch.codeberg.page