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petrisch boosted

To all #Anki users on #PostmarketOS : Please try out #Anki on your mobile device! It's fresh in the repo (package is maintained by yours truly).

It works great for me so far. But if you find anything odd, please let me know.

Oh, and please boost! Thx!

#Pinephone #pmos

//cc: @linmob @gamey

Uweeh, that geary update is really a game changer. Sometimes i still stuggle to get to the right folder, but its a lot better now.
Thanky to all # and so many more

Maybe doesn't look like, but its realy delicious :-)
My prechristmas recomondation, for swiss people at least.

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

why is this not free software or at least open source, horrible to install

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

Librem 5 phone + USB keyboard + USB touchpad + Bluetooth speaker + HDMI screen + Firefox + YouTube video

petrisch boosted

The first photo taken on a #pinephone that's focussed.

Now I have a WIP kernel branch with OV5640 autofocus working

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

If laziness was an Olympic discipline, I would probably come in fourth: can't be bothered climbing up that podium.

petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted
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