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petrisch boosted
petrisch boosted

hello little guy! Thanks for calmly posing and letting me move my within just a few cm!

Releases new github competitor.
Hosts its own source on github.
Like: Shure if I present a new chocolate I'll have you some Lindt for desert 🤦.

@kkremitzki for me Denglish is when someone uses so many english words, that you hardly can tell anymore that he actualy speechs german.

@xethos not shure about the dock, on the initial post i see a pinã on it 🤔

@xethos @devrtz thats why i keep my subscription. No wasted electronics, a steady payment and less a guilt feeling of 'donating' for a service.

@jntrnr @menn0 ah these moments when you want to hit a 'like' and 'dislike' button at the same time ;-)

@starfrosch ich war noch nie in London. Was ist das überhaupt?

@penpot I just tried to get my foot into penpot since i heard many good things. However i struggle because the burden to install it with docker is quite high for me (at work at least). Both elest and the desktop app require a account... why?

@robert jeah that looks like alot of stuff which is hard to understand.
My bet, just write nushell from those comments and you will be fine.

@robert I am daily driving it. Not as a login shell thoug.
Still breaking changes, but since i have to work on win, _there_ its great to have something that good and native!

petrisch boosted

Introducing the Librem 11 Tablet! The Librem 11 is a powerful tablet preloaded with PureOS running our Phosh user interface. Every order comes with a keyboard case, a pressure-sensitive stylus, and 1TB of storage. Order yours today!

@hyde ah interesting, is this on nightly, 0.9.2 or older?

@hyde is your config public? Assuming you are loading the same plugins it sounds like some wierd lazy loading, i have no idea thing. At least I do not have the same issue.

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