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@jlcrawf A bit, thanks! Still dragging, but better than yesterday! :)

Today's #Linux News:
* GNOME Devs to Disable Snap Plugin for GNOME Software
* Linode Launches New GPU-Optimized Cloud Computing Instances
* Syncthing 1.2.0 Released
* EFF Celebrating 29th Birthday with $20 Membership

This sounds cool. I tried setting it up, but I can't reach the git repo (might be my corporate firewall having a good time with me). Has anybody else done this and what did you think? Thanks for the article @kyle!

"What Really IRCs Me: Mastodon | Linux Journal"

I'm on Mastodon again... Via :D

Warning! I feel seeeeeeck. 

What Really IRCs Me: Mastodon
By @kyle
Learn how to use the Mastodon social network platform from the comfort of your regular #IRC client.

Contributor Agreements Considered Harmful
by Eric S. Raymond
Why attempts to protect your project with legal voodoo are likely to backfire on you.

I like to keep my feed friendly for all -- for kids, for families, safe for work... safe for all.

I have a standing rule that too much profanity will result in a block (from my personal account) to keep it that way. I don't want to police what anyone says on their own timeline / account... just what is said in replies on mine.

That said... last warning. ;) Librem One has no language policy like that.

I do. :)

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml