My local yarn shop sells natural-color wool from sheep living in the county south of here and the skeins actually have pictures (and names!) of the sheep the wool is from. I just need to decide on a project before I buy it all. #weaving
I'm over halfway through with this krokbragd #weaving project. It's amazing how much faster this is on a floor loom compared to on a rigid heddle.
This doesn't look like much, but it took me over 5 hours to warp this loom today (mostly because I was trying a new back-to-front warping technique). #weaving
I used the leftover yarn from my wife's tweed scarf (left) to make myself a plaid scarf (right) so they match without being identical. #weaving
My rug is done! This took about a month to complete on my rigid heddle loom. There are mistakes here and there but I learned a LOT along the way I will be able to apply to the next rug. #weaving
I spent quite a bit of this weekend #weaving because I was so close to finishing my first rug. Late last night I reached the end! The green rows are to hold the fringe until I can secure them off the loom. Now I just need to take it off the loom and perform finishing steps.
Of course the yarn for my rug project would arrive the day after I start #weaving a different project. I'll have to figure out how I'm going to split my time.
Warping for my first project on my floor loom: a plaid scarf to match the tweed one I made my wife. #weaving
I'm making progress on my krokbragd rug. Last night I completed a single run of the color pattern, so from here on it's just a matter of repeating it until I get a 36 inch rug. #weaving
The plaid table runner is complete. It's imperfect, and needs ironing, but I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out. #weaving
Last night I discovered I misinterpreted the pattern for a tartan I'm #weaving because it wasn't clear how the pattern repeats. There are 4 additional blue threads including in the warp. The end result will be fine, I doubt anyone will notice, but I'll always know it's wrong.
I've crossed another #weaving milestone: I now have an account on the Scottish Tartans Authority so I can get accurate tartan threadcount information.
Technical author, FOSS advocate, public speaker, Linux security & infrastructure geek, author of The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course, Linux Hardening in Hostile Networks and many other books, ex-Linux Journal columnist.