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If you are working with software, you should understand SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials). Hear from two leaders in the space on the Open At Intel podcast. @iamintel and Kate Stewart joined me for the latest episode, All About SBOMs.

Tune in to our new episode! @katherined, @dsearls and @petros talk to @dmarti about Permission Slip, the new data privacy app from Consumer Reports.
Visit the following link for full episode -

#CCPA #Technology #Privacy #Podcast #newEpisode

Curious about threat modeling? I talked to John Whiteman and @pdxjohnny on the Open at Intel podcast about just that. Join us and have some fun diving deep into this very important topic!

@Wildbill So bye, bye, using free API
Made a checkmark cost 8 sawbucks, cuz ad revenue's dry
And them good ole bots were posting using AI
Singing this'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die

Did you retweet posts you love
And do you have faith in Musk above
If the fanboys tell you so?
Now do you believe the election's stole?
Can free speech save your mortal soul?
And can you teach me how to troll real slow?

With apologies to Don McLean, and @kyle cause he’s better at this.

🎼🎵 A long, long time ago
I can still remember
How that twitter used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my shot
That I could make folks follow my bot
And maybe they'd chuckle for a while
But February made me shiver
With every error msg deliver'd.
Failures at the top
I couldn't make myself stop
I can't remember if I tried
When I read about how he divides
But something touched me deep inside
The day... that twitter died.

I'm very excited to announce a brand-new exploring the most intriguing conversations in brought to you by Intel’s Open Ecosystem group.

The first season focuses on and features Christopher "CRob" Robinson, John Whiteman, and @pdxjohnny and is hosted by me, @katherined.
The first two episodes are out now, and there are more to come!

In light of recent developments regarding the #twitter API (it will no longer be free) and the likely ripple effects this will have on other websites and services, I humbly submit this updated version of an old #xkcd comic:

I just submitted a talk for Open Source Summit North America. Today is the deadline!

So, they haven't blown the social media bugle yet, but @katherined and I did a @dsearls's-less episode of @reality2cast.

It's one of my favorite types of podcast episodes -- just two friends talking shop. PLUS: My dogs decided to participate too, as they are in the background pretty clearly.

I was on the latest Talking Drupal with John, Nic, @mandclu and Anoop waxing nostalgic about tech publishing and other Drupally things.

Please stop using “mom” as an example of an unsophisticated user of technology. This reinforces harmful stereotypes.

Instead, I suggest using “congressperson”.

All the functional pieces of my hackaday-inspired knitting clock are in place:

* Working circular knitting machine
* Spare Raspberry Pi I had lying around
* Adafruit motor control hat
* Spare stepper motor from a broken 3D printer
* Software to control the stepper motor

The next and more challenging step is to figure out the best way to attach the motor to the knitting machine and build an attractive case to mount everything.

Since JSON is pronounced Jason (this is an undisputed fact), I declare DNS is now pronounced Dennis.

It's not DNS
There's no way its DNS
It was DNS


It is not Dennis
There is no way its Dennis
Yep, it was Dennis

And here is a picture of Dennis in his natural habitat.

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