@civicrm, the free software CRM system we use at the FSF, has launched an extension to coordinate help for the vulnerable and most affected members of your community during the COVID-19 crisis: https://u.fsf.org/30x
Agaric is reaching out to cities and communities about our platform Resource Locator. Groups are using the Find It platform for COVID-19 resources and for programs that aggregate resources. http://finditcambridge.org You can write to us to get a site up quickly. ask@agaric.com
Zoom meetings aren’t actually end-to-end encrypted, despite misleading marketing on their website, in their security white paper, and in the user interface in their app https://theintercept.com/2020/03/31/zoom-meeting-encryption/ by @yaelwrites and myself
@zacchiro this is exhausting
A new version of #LibreJS has been released, fixing a bug that caused it to crash on recent Mozilla-based browsers. Download the latest release here: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/librejs.git/commit/?id=f8d2fdd802b66767d9bc80685ebdac5740bdb8dc
One of the most powerful principles of #FOSS and open hardware is the ability to audit and verify.
See the community maintained #Librem5 promise delivery chart to see how we are disrupting the #bigtech #smartphone duopoly https://forums.puri.sm/t/librem-5-promise-delivery-chart/6959
Want to help provide desperately-needed medical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic? We want to get you connected. Learn more about the HACKERS and HOSPITALS initiative: https://u.fsf.org/30v
@mindspillage So cool. I had a bee the size of my thumb just hovering outside the back door staring at me through the window for a good part of yesterday. Maybe they take videos too...
@liw I also run NextCloud, for calendar, contacts, and notes. It's great. Not sure if I would use it if I were *only* looking for calendar, but probably.
@kyle any workarounds you know? I feel like one of the terminal emulators out there has a menu option to send CTRL, but I can't remember which...
@kyle Is there a way to send CTRL from squeekboard? (Using it on another phone...)
@n8 We are starting to put it at https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2020/Streaming
This software, Nextstrain, is free software to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response, licensed under AGPLv3! https://github.com/nextstrain/augur
While watching Shannon Dosemagen #LibrePlanet opening keynote at https://libreplanet.org/2020/live/ about free technology for environmental problem solving, I receive a spam message with subject: "Job Offer @ Exxon Mobil Company". Coincidence??
First #LibrePlanet keynote just started, watch at libreplanet.org/2020/live/
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now https://alliterativeadvising.com, https://crazyalansemporium.com, and board of directors for https://f-droid.org.