Are you a US federal government employee who supports free software? Donate through the Combined Federal Campaign by June 30 using the FSF's ID 63210 at
@mindspillage how can they all be so wrong always
My rejuvelac is cloudy but my servers aren't #flossinfluencer
My leaven is set and so is NOCLOBBER #flossinfluencer
Good news: -- FSF opposed this sale from the beginning but owe all the thanks to the orgs who did the actual lifting -- thank you NTEN and @eff to name two I saw doing a ton
just fed my sourdough starter but forgot to pixelfeed it #flossinfluencer
The #LibrePlanet2020 raffle has gone virtual: refer new members to the FSF before 5/31, and win amazing prizes from Technoethical, Vikings,, No Starch Press, ThinkPenguin, and the #GNU Press shop!
Friends don’t share links with their friends with UTM / marketing parameters still attached! (
Now that remote and digital connections are playing a bigger role in our daily lives than ever before, it's crucial to push for free software continuously. FSF members have a special role to play: Join today:
The FSF is accepting applications for remote summer internships through May 10:
In case you missed it: the best possible thing to watch while you're stuck inside! Watch many, many hours of entertaining and educational talks from #LibrePlanet2020 on our Mediagoblin page -- made and shared entirely with free software:
My fault for having expectations from the URL . It's not a guide to free software (or open source) virtual event solutions or a declaration of intent to help such solutions succeed; rather the opposite.
@Greg I did for many many years.
OpenTrace has been released under GLPv3… #freesoftware #tracingapp #veiligtegencorona
Several updates have been made in jitsi -
1. A jitsi server is only as good as the host.
2. Lately many servers are overloaded.
3. There is more than one host for jitsi
List of servers:
we can also contribute to making jitsi better -
Another server I am looking at is BigBlueButton -
I am just not good at standing in line to ask a Corporation to fix things and be nice to me.
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now,, and board of directors for