Do we really not have bipartisan and public consensus for "you can't pardon anyone who gave you 6 figures in campaign contributions"?

@eighthave Enable developer mode, then in settings search for Linux terminal.

Currently installing the VM on my Pixel. So excited!

(Probably) proving once again that the biggest security issues with encrypted communication are the persons using it.

@paradoxmo Well, other way, the Realo has the H-M, the Pro Gear has the M. And the nibs feel very different. I'm wondering if the H-M has been ground/modified, and also wondering if the M is a fake (but I like it better..)! I haven't yet tested with identical ink.

FOSSY is coming up, July 31-August 3 in Portland Oregon! The call for nonprofit booths is open, and the CfP will be opening soon!

We still have one slot for a sponsored booth, and are hoping to get more sponsors at every level!

@paradoxmo Okay, that's what I thought, I'm understanding now that the pen that I thought had the updated nib markings actually has the older ones, which is surprising to me based on when I purchased it.

What does it mean if I have a Sailor Pro Gear 21k with just "M" on the nib, vs one (Realo 1911) that has "H-M"? I thought all of Sailor's Ms these days were H-Ms..? The M was bought within the last 5 years; the H-M I have no way of knowing but the other nib markings look contemporary.

Got my first vendor/distributor email about a tariff driven price increase. Here we go.

Trying to understand the ramifications of living jn a world where we have not only tequila bottle dog toys but *reposado* tequila bottle dog toys. I just hope it's not over-oaked.

@mlinksva After posting I also remembered that I did in fact enroll in an Astronomy course in undergrad to fulfill a general ed requirement, but barely went. To think of all the pedantic corrections I could've been making in conversations all these years. Happy to learn "asterism" though.

TIL that the Big and Little Dippers are not constellations. Quality liberal arts education I had.

I think they have a point here and I'm glad that someone, anyone, is pushing against 's "unapproved apps still need to be approved" stance. The sort of one-and-a-half party approach to third-party distribution.

After reading this, I'm left wondering, did Murakami kick off the cats in Japanese fiction motif? Or is he just another practitioner? (He is not mentioned in this article.)

In Tumultuous Times, Readers Turn to ‘Healing Fiction’ - The New York Times

I'm a little behind on the news, but this is an amazing story. Import ban lifted for the very noble reason that they lost the only copy of the ban.

India Scraps Import Ban on Salman Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses’ - The New York Times

Well, that's a bummer, I found these @letsencrypt email reminders very helpful -- but it is a lot of "stamps" I guess. (Also, I did not receive the official email about this..)

I don't have writer's block, maybe just writer's detour, which is something like I sit down to work on some poetry and instead out comes a few paragraphs of an article on nonprofit governance.

The plant-based Kraft dinner comes in the same sized box as original Kraft dinner, but with 1.25oz less pasta.

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