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Important milestone in the house building project. We finally have the doors in and preparing for properly closing up the house.
spruitje wrote the following post Sat, 24 Jul 2021 10:46:24 +0200

The doors are in!

Finally. Thursday was a fun, sunny and warm day. With help of two friends we have managed to put all five doors in. We are very proud of our preparation work as it allowed for relatively easy install (remember the more accurate and detailed the preparation, even if it takes long time, will pay off when doing the final touch).
Now that the doors are in, we can start working on preparation for floor heating and final layer of the floor. Deadline for this is 26th August so plenty of time but also quite some things to do. Additionally we still need to put the glass in the doors which is quite easy task and put a sealant between the glass and doors to waterproof and airtight the whole thing. @muppeth seems to be enjoying that part a lot and the results so far, after watching ton of instructional videos are surprisingly awesome, so he will happily do that while listening to some podcasts

Libadwaita 1.0.0-alpha.1 is out!

Start porting your application from GTK 3 and Libhandy to GTK 4 and Libadwaita now with our migration guide:

Be aware that the API is bound to change until the first beta, planned for mid-August.

@tortuga deviamos fazer um bot ps pedir receitas à tortuga.. :D mas y.. receita de queijo vegan pa bacon & cheese? :awesome:

One of the things about and having the same software stack accross devices is: bugs that you notice on your GNU/linux phone also affecting your GNU/Linux laptop and you being able to troubleshoot it from the laptop.

#israel #palestine
‘Israël’ tente d’inciter à la violence et de rompre le cessez-le-feu à Gaza – Site de la chaîne AlManar-Liban

To ease debugging issues on the road i made -logs shrink to smaller screen sizes. This is based on @brainblasted 's work to make -logs use initially.

Familiar with :apple_inc: Swift, UIKit, and know your way around XCode? Want to help advance the state of #XMPP on #iOS? :xmpp: 📱 We're looking for developers to help bring our iOS app over the finish line! 🏁

This will be a paid short-term project producing FLOSS. DM or email if you're interested.

Not an iOS dev? That's okay, boosts appreciated too! 🙂

Dear Mastodon, we're ~60 followers away from 12K! Can you help us get there?

Help by spreading the word that:

🔵 Privacy is a human right.

🔵 Tracking & surveillance are widespread on the internet.

🔵 Tor is a nonprofit that can help you take back your privacy online.

@normandc @be @jalcine Not sure what you guys are saying, Flatpak is available on pmOS. It's just not preinstalled by default. `apk add flatpak` and then the usual `flatpak install <whatever>` (or do it via the graphical software stores even) work just fine.

@funkwhale Is by far one of the best softwares on the fediverse.. its just beautiful. with very understanble ui for mods and admins.. incredible amount of documentation... guys u rock. :bringgin: #kickoutthejams

I've tagged another git snapshot of with a bunch of fixes.

Here's the list of changes:

is used by , and others to provide haptic, audio and led feedback.

Using #xmpp is simple, secure and easy. Just create an xmpp account, install an xmpp client, login and start chatting.

Celebrate pissed somebody off.

Say what you will about signal but Moxie knows how to make a drop.

forgot to say that this still has some things to be solved :p

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