For my #debconf22 talk I've hacked up the great pdf-presenter-console to fit the phone screen and show my notes so I can see what's currently on the LCD for the audience:
At 13:00 UTC, "The current state of Debian on smartphones" in Drini, "GNU/Linux Adoption Policy" in Lumbardhi and Debian Science BoF in Ereniku
Lanceuses et lanceurs d’alerte : une coalition pour desserrer le bâillon
Dans la finance, dans la chimie, dans le nucléaire... Ils et elles divulguent des infos compromettantes pour le patronat. Et le paient souvent au prix fort : licenciements, procès, harcèlement, menaces... Désormais, la loi les protège mieux, et une coalition de syndicats et d’associations accompagne ces saboteurs des temps modernes :
#Syndicalisme #AlternativeLibertaire #Journal #Presse #Média #AL
First-ever Gitea pull request from a remote instance!!! 🎉🥳
I've been waiting for this moment for months now!
The code hasn't been pushed to yet since it's incredibly messy, but I'll clean it up tomorrow and also submit a draft pull request to upstream Gitea.
(Technical implementation information:
États-Unis : La victoire posthume de Trump
Trump l’avait promis, les juges de la Cour suprême des États-unis l’ont fait. Ce 24 juin, six juges sur neuf ont révoqué l’arrêt Roe vs Wade de 1973, qui consacrait le droit à l’avortement pour les États-Uniennes. Les États les plus religieux et réactionnaires n’ont pas tardé à en profiter pour interdire l’ #IVG :
#International #AlternativeLibertaire #Journal #Presse #Média #AL
Every year in the summer in #portugal we have a competition of the portuguese media to see who can be the worst at covering the summer forest fires:
In this case a person fighting a fire is asking the reporters to move their vehicle to somewhere else because it is blocking the passage.
The reporter answers: sure as soon as we finish the live report.
🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
This comment by John Bolton reminded me of a "joke" some friends of mine had many years ago:
Q: What is the one country on Earth that never had a coup de etat?
A: The US. Because it is the one country on Earth that does not have a US embassy.
John Bolton (former US ambassador to the UN and former US National Security advisor): “As someone who has helped plan coups de etat — not here but, you know, other places — it takes a lot of work”
Got friends in central Portugal and the area is burning (again) people have already lost their homes (poor migrants living in caravans etc.)
Looking to help out with setting up some kind of crowd fund raising money to try replace the necessities. Anyone got any experience of a good platform to use for thid kind of thing?
Mobian/Debian on mobile Sprint during #DebConf22 #DebCamp
Here is a closer look at our journey of implementing encrypted VoIP Calls. The part 2 of this technical post sheds some light on the inner workings of it all.
"Fani: I have seen references about #sustainability in #Librem5. At the #FSFE we are also dealing with sustainability in software. What do you understand as a sustainable technology? [..]
Guido: For me, technology that has been produced with sustainability in mind allows the user to replace software and parts, as well as #repair the device over a long period of time without special equipment. [..] having free drivers is a requirement for sustainability."
@fsfe @agx @purism
Kanthaus turned 5 today! 5️⃣ 🎂
(Kanthaus is a common house for purposeful project work(ers) that I helped set up and continue to spend a lot of time in, in Germany.)
It's been a ride 🖤