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Happy Birthday to the movie Hackers. It was released 27 years ago in 15 September 1995.

@Phaserune can you contact us via email to:


With your order number and detailing this issue.

@Phaserune are you confortable with manually downloading and installing a debian package?

If you are there may be another alternative.


To enable VoLTE, first check your modem firmware version.
You can run this command to check that:

sudo mmcli -m any | grep firmware

Check if the date is 2019. If it is and if you are comfortable with a command line you can use these instructions:

These instructions require that you previously install: socat

sudo apt install socat

You might need to power cycle the modem a couple of times.

You might want to set the network to 4G only to test.


@mobian but geary, has been uploaded to Sid, so it might return to Bookworm one day.

Just installed -plugins on the : really cool!

After enabling it through the phosh-mobile-settings app I now can from the left edge of the screen to the right to get a calendar or a an overview of my upcoming events.

10,000 followers here on Mastodon/Fosstodon! Thanks to everyone who supports us 😊

Happy 41st birthday to the Chaos Computer Club #CCC. Thank you for your work for freedom of Information and technology assessment. 👏

Fresh pmOS shirt after wearing my last one since fosdem 2019 :P

New podcast episode is out. This time, among other topics:

* Automated Phone Testing
* Debugging Phosh
* Bluetooth / Pulseaudio / ModemManager
* SHIFT6mq progress

Since people kept asking: we have a merch site up now, where you can get sustainable, stylish piece of clothing featuring the postmarketOS logo in quite a few variations.

Also we put a link to the @pine64eu homepage there, the place to go if you want to buy a brand new #pinephone with postmarketOS pre-installed.

Today is election day here in Sweden. For those who can, don't forget to vote!

Voting places should stay open until 20:00 tonight.

@PierreM of the 5 predator movies so far I would say it is either the second best or the third best.

Yes you do notice the differences in filmmaking since the 80's like CGI, although I would agree that it is easier to do a CGI cougar than to train a real cougar to participate in a movie ;)

But it is nice to watch the movie.


No they don't, I just saw the latest predator movie; prey. There are french characters the movie, and their french dialogs seemed like; some US writer wrote the dialogs in american english, with typical english expressions, fed them to google translator for a literal translation and then just told the French actors:
Read this as it is.

It was a bit weird.

@PierreM @K4mpfie

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