@Emma Du har säkert rätt, men jag fick ingen sådan reaktion i mina tankar när jag läste utan mer snarast frågan om det skulle associera till avrättning eller ej. Vilka ord skulle han korrekt kunnat använda (bortsett om man håller med eller ej i hans åsikt/bedömning?)?
@hund Jag använder grupper väldigt lite på Fb, min huvudanvändning är nätverket av vänner som nästan enbart är vänner jag känner från fysiska livet. Är med i grupper, driver dem ej. Men jag tror det är mkt lätt att sätta upp och admin, det är en plattform väldigt många redan är på, man hoppar lätt mellan olika grupper, vänkontakter, offentliga personer, företag och organisationer. För många är det också plattform för köp och sälj, videor, dagliga nyheter. Världsvid (ej Kina m fl).
Monarkierna, i Sverige och annorstädes, kanske faller ihop av sig själva om inte riksdagen tar beslut därom.
https://etidning.dn.se/shared/article/asa-beckman-vi-lar-fa-se-en-vag-av-kungliga-abdikeringar/cjJT1sYf #monarki #demokrati
@erikdelareguera Ja, det var den. Och Ola Larsmo har jag stort förtroende för när jag läser hans texter i bla DN. Och apropå bemöta högertrollen, det gäller att både vara kunnig och ha ork. Rent allmänt med allmänkunskap kan man veta saker, men man har inte detaljerna för att kunna föra i bevis. Nu har jag två böcker till på köplistan…! Minns att den flrsta kom ut, men köpte den inte då.
@hacks4pancakes I don't really know, but does Jellyfin fit into your needs? At least it's something I'm curious to explore one day or another. https://jellyfin.org/
@shawnp0wers In the meantime I've watched this video. It's educational! Note the relaxed guy with the keyboard in his lap and his boots on the desk. And the animated dancing figures. https://tilvids.com/w/5YhGJjLJupAZsS5SFQUbQR
@ASP I will try to! I am, in slow pace migrating from macOS to Mint Cinnamon on another machine. So I intend to eg install same sw on LMDE as one comparison. I wonder if more of Flatpak will be needed (when up to date release is desirable). I will look from my ordinary user perspective, not from an expert perspective. I hope I’ll be back with findings!
Distrohopping. On my ThinkPad T430s I replaced elementary with LMDE 5. On same drive I also have Debian 11 Xfce and Mint 21.1 Cinnamon, and on a separate drive Windows 10. I managed to do the installation without messing up anything else on the machine! I want to explore to get a feeling how LMDE 5 (Mint based on Debian) is compared to Mint 21 (based on Ubuntu9, comparing with both on Cinnamon desktop. #LMDE #LinuxMint #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #distrohopping
"Yttrandefrihetsexperten Nils Funcke riktar hård kritik mot statsminister Ulf Kristerssons fördömande av dockprotesten mot Erdogan.
– Han går på tok för långt. Yttrandefriheten får aldrig bli underordnad Natoansökan."
When people bring me crappy windows laptops and ask if I can make it faster and actually usable.
I say yes and take out my #linuxmint USB drive and "fix it" for free.
People are always amazed and happy. Even muggles can use #linux, I promise.
@atomicpoet I have never stopped buying CDs. Although far less than when I was younger and listened more. I recall I had some regrets when I bought Dire straights Brothers in arms on vinyl when some said CD was fantastic. It was released at the time when CD was new and some early adopters already had CD players. One of my first CDs was Susanne Vegas hit album. Vinyl indeed has an advantage of bigger size cover, far better for art.
That said, if you're new to physical music media, I highly recommend starting with CDs.
Why? Because the value is unparalleled.
Thrift stores are selling them for $1/each -- sometimes even less.
Do the math. If one CD contains 12 songs, that's pennies for a song.
Which you can then rip to FLAC, store on your computer or DAP.
And owning a copy on optical disc -- with artwork! -- isn't bad either!
Mastodon software is free open source, as much of other fediverse related software. It is also generally free to join a Mastodon instance, and the content is an open source. So Mastodon content can also, to paraphrase, be seen as a free open source of sharing of information. #OpenSource
@sopsack Och det har jag ingen aning om varför! Jag har inte tänkt på att det kan vara olika, men tvivlar inte på din iakttagelse.
@cary I think (hope) eg newspapers, org, authorities and companies will have their own instances. It will, like you wrote, give them easier to make verification eg the green Mastodon mark for employees. It will be easier for us to understand it really is a person from that company, org, etc. And of course, the person can have one or more additional accounts if desirable to distinguish between roles.
But there may be drawback as well, that I am not aware of.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer