Tune in to our new episode! @katherined Druckman and @dsearls talk about #Facebook's recent Irish problems, #Google's Performance Max ad product, and digress into discussing the #Houston food scene as we welcome back Reality 2.0 for 2023.
Visit the following link for full episode - https://www.reality2cast.com/136
Hello Mastodon! The official digiKam Mastodon account is now livee and ready to bring you digiKam-related news and updates.
@alasaarela Once again Finland is a good model. However Sweden and Nordics are also not too bad acc to the article. It appears to be important, as important as ever, to be critical to sources, to validate where info comes from and trust what is trustworthy and dismiss those that are not trustworthy. It is indeed important to trust as well as not trust. For everyone of all ages, and of course important to learn in school.
Finland has closely watched the Russian troll factory's efforts to create chaos in free democracies. We now educate our children to recognize #misinformation and rank #1 in our ability to resist it.
I wish the Americans would do the same.
I *love* watching these old-school technology videos. Check out this great one from the archives, all about #unix from Bell Labs!
Intervju med ett ljus som lyser och uppmanar oss till moral och allas lika värde. Det finns hopp när det finns människor som fredspristagaren!
@KGuw Får mig att tänka på Dylan-album-titlar-och-låtar som "World Gone Wrong". Ok att det förmodligen finns konspirationsteorier som är sanna. Men i det stora är de verkligen inte det. Så hur kan det vara så att världen blivit tokig att man lyssnar till konspirationsteoretiker så länge de inte kan lägga fram hållbara bevis och fakta? För visst bygger mycket konspiration på att personen har "hemlig" information, faktan är dolf för vanliga och då faller kravet på att visa upp bevisen. *nattsudd*
You know everything we're supposed to do with passwords.
Most people don't do it. It's not your fault. The system is broken.
Kill passwords. New "passkeys" tech can help. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/01/10/lastpass-breach-kill-passwords/
Of unknown reason, I waited a month to upgrade my #digiKam software to the new 7.9.0 release. I am still happy I moved over to digiKam, primarily as photo catalog manager, but I can also use it for editing etcetera. I intend to use eg #RawTherapee and #GIMP in addition, maybe more (now also #AfterShot). (my migration in Swedish: https://www.hemrin.com/business-blog/365-byta-fotokatalogprogram-till-digikam-fran-photoshop-elements-och-lightroom-classic) The latest release: https://www.digikam.org/news/2022-12-05-7.9.0_release_announcement/ #OpenSource #FOSS #Photography
@sacwriter Now we only need the cones to walk away when the floor is not wet anymore.
@Shira At least today, I consider a password manager is a key tool. It gave me a relief after starting to use it a couple of years ago. I have heard about passkeys, but not used and not understood yet. But arent't they best stored in the Password manager - like where a password is stored...!? Not sure if I understood about face and finger id; I would absolutely not allow the sites (eg Microsoft in example) store such info. One advice from me: Terminate accounts you do not use any more.
@kevinrns I can like several comments still see Twitter share, but not Mastodon share, on articles on washingtonpost.com in Firefox web browser.
@KGuw Personen blev inbjuden av SD att bevaka valet, skriver artikeln. Jag vet inte hur partier i allmänhet bjuder in personer att bevaka valet, det kanske är vanligt? Hur som helst så var det enligt artikeln en aktiv handling från SD, inte bara passivt att träffa honom när han var här.
En inflytelserik konspiratorisk statskuppsförsvarare har nära band till regeringsunderlagets absoluta toppar. Vad säger regeringschefen? Partiet räknas ju trots allt in i den påstådda ”majoritetsregeringen”. https://www.dn.se/sverige/konspirationsteorierna-framfordes-i-sds-tv-kanal/
@ernie I hope you are right, world wide where Twitter is/has been used. I wonder about one aspect, persons who flee for example Saudi Arabia have gotten help via Twitter - I wonder how Mastodon can meet such usecase?
@kallekn @erikdelareguera Haha!
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer