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A man designs and builds a racecar that is supposed to win a particular race, and another man drives it and wins that particular race. Did the driver do the most to win or did the designer+builder do the most to win?

Well, rarely; it doesn't do it every time. It's pretty strange

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Waiting for the day Firefox fixes the bug where touchpad pinch-to-zoom on Wayland opens the search bar and changes your search engine... 🙂 weird.

Found it, part of my ASCII.s stdlib. Came up with a change, which compiles to about 24 bytes, compared to about 55 bytes, but uses a loop. These print out the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places of a decimal number; I think I'll keep the former code, since it is branchless, I/O aside, and since I might want to remove the thousandths place anyway (since Q16+8 numbers aren't quite that precise).

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Yeah, definitely appears to be part of that function. That's modulo code for sure, too.

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I'm finding this sequence multiple times; part of it or exactly this keeps on appearing in my compiler's output. I think it's performing a modulo by the Q16+8 value 10.0, then converting the number to ASCII then printing it. Part of the Q16+8 decimal print function, I think.
(Also - 0x30 is ASCII '0', not 'H')

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Can't believe I've gotten to the point where I'm looking through hex and disassembling code with a table of opcodes and [pseudo]register specs. Never thought I'd get here. Didn't even know that this "here" existed when I was young.

As I understand the BSOD today became more popular than ever, truly becoming mainstream and reported about all over the news. Of course, in systemd we are ahead of the curve, as usual, and if you too want to experience your very own BSOD we have your back. Enjoy:

Finally no need to feel left out again, just because you use Linux! 💖💘💝

Back to School is now in session. Get up to $200 off a new computer to start your next venture!

I was looking at an aquarium, watching the fish swim, and thought it would be cool if there were creatures that could swim through the air. Then I realized that those are basically just birds....

Besides, executables are generally produced from a very high level, from a compiler. Why add complexity and subjectiveness to make hex dumps easier to read (for example)?

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Computing, binary data 


"Strike me down and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete." - Emperor Palpatine to Luke Skywalker

Worth considering by all those wishing the bullet hadn't missed. America heals herself not by assassinating anyone who might be a proto-fascist, but by electing leaders who will strengthen democracy and the rule of law.

(Except I think it'd've been better to call him *former* president Trump)

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I'd boost this post but I think my server blocks

Not like I'm a fan of Zuckerberg personally, but well-said. Not a Trump fan either.
But political violence undermines democracy.

@CStamp @thomasfuchs You have a right to be skeptical at first but evidence has come out already.
Shooter KIA
Civilians hit
IED found

Not staged

Nobody hates computers as much as someone who loves computers.

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Ethan Black's choices:

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