As I understand the BSOD today became more popular than ever, truly becoming mainstream and reported about all over the news. Of course, in systemd we are ahead of the curve, as usual, and if you too want to experience your very own BSOD we have your back. Enjoy:
Finally no need to feel left out again, just because you use Linux! 💖💘💝
Back to School is now in session. Get up to $200 off a new computer to start your next venture!
I was looking at an aquarium, watching the fish swim, and thought it would be cool if there were creatures that could swim through the air. Then I realized that those are basically just birds....
#justMusing #birds #fish
Besides, executables are generally produced from a very high level, from a compiler. Why add complexity and subjectiveness to make hex dumps easier to read (for example)?
"Strike me down and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete." - Emperor Palpatine to Luke Skywalker
Worth considering by all those wishing the bullet hadn't missed. America heals herself not by assassinating anyone who might be a proto-fascist, but by electing leaders who will strengthen democracy and the rule of law.
I'd boost this post but I think my server blocks
Not like I'm a fan of Zuckerberg personally, but well-said. Not a Trump fan either.
But political violence undermines democracy.
@CStamp @thomasfuchs You have a right to be skeptical at first but evidence has come out already.
Shooter KIA
Civilians hit
IED found
Not staged
It was at this point that the Yiga knew they’d royally screwed up…
Dedicated sub-page for all my assembly, 512 bytes, games!
What's the oldest computer you have in ACTIVE use. It doesn't have to be every day, but not something that's sitting in a drawer you haven't turned on for a decade. Something you use. For me, it's a Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 1, which originally was released in 2012. I'm currently running #Zorin 16.1 on it, and it's perfectly capable of most of my everyday tasks.
Hello there!
I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.
I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/
#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda
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