@codrusofathens They have to take their social media profiles very seriously to do that.
First clip after the title. I can't believe it, he began the move *before* his opponent was below him... crazy. Few can think like that, last stock high percent, AND in finals, no less (I think it was finals).
Check it out. The best #SmashBros player at our #SSBU club was on #YeetSmash again. Clip 2! https://youtu.be/rT8_wBy_ghA
Taking a game by using a recovery move downwards to kill off the bottom of the stage... gutsy. (Carguy, Sephiroth)
@fribbledom Ah yes. Along with "lbs" et al
WaPo has a Mar. 6 story on its homepage that's a bit baffling. The headline is: Worried About the American Express data breach? [Checks notes: No]
I'm not aware of anyone who is worried, much less aware of a breach involving Amex. The story goes on to say Amex blamed a third party for exposing customer data.
But here's the thing: This kind of thing happens ALL. THE. TIME. It just so happens that Amex is somehow more willing to put out a breach notification than others when this does happen.
I know this because for a long time I used to read all of the breach disclosures coming out daily and indexed by the various state attorneys general offices. And a notice like this from Amex was a fairly regular occurrence.
Anyway, the story is about credit card fraud. But then the advice to "worried" consumers is to change their passwords and use 2FA.
Happy #marioday everyone! What was the first ever Mario game you played and what console was it on?
@CM30 I have to say, I don't remember. It may have been Super Mario Bros. 1 on my grandpa's NES, actually. Some other Mario games that come to mind are Mario Kart DS, Super Mario Galaxy, and Yoshi's Island DS, if that counts. I can't say I know.
@phosh An image of an interface with a notification saying the the next version of it is out is a really cool way to present updates, I love it ๐
Road to my own PC...
TV out works! I pushed it to 128x96
Keyboard input almost ;) got some interference/loose cables. I will buy a propper PS/2 connector later.
@w84death Wow, that's dreamy! Keep it up. I plan to do something like this one day...
@royal Eheh eheh eheh
@itnewsbot I hate piracy... but emulators are not illegal.
Damn, looks like Yuzu is donezo now.
Rip LDN for the time being, because afaik you need a Yuzu account to run that atm. ๐
@Shanoa Looks like there is more to the story than this. There was a lawsuit https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/4/24090357/nintendo-yuzu-emulator-lawsuit-settlement
I always assumed that Yuzu was just a company-less open-source project like many others, but I just read that Yuzu had a company behind it, #TropicHaze
Hello there!
I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.
I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/
#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda
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