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The fantastic dead leaf mimicry of the Uropyia meticulodina moth lets it hide in plain sight.

Video credit: Kazuo Unno

For todays #ThrowbackThursday, here’s #MarioKart DS, the first game in the series with online play.

Great game with some amazing tracks (Waluigi Pinball, Airship Fortress, Delfino Square, Luigi’s Mansion), and probably the best single player content in the series too.

@CM30 This was a nice little part of my childhood :)

@cjwatson @qurlyjoe Deuteronomy 15:1-11 was directed at the Israelites, yes. The Old Testament law was just the law of the ancient Israelites, but due to who Christians believe created the Bible, when there's something universal in the Old Testament, we'll continue to follow it.

@cjwatson @qurlyjoe Matthew 6:12: "and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." (translation: ESV).
This is part of the well-known example prayer by Jesus, "the Lord's prayer". On giving it a read (again) I think it is pretty clear that it is in no way talking about money owed.

@evan I dunno, "Northwest" just sounds happy 🤷‍♂️

🧠 Calling all trivia lovers! 🧠

Play our trivia at to test your knowledge and compete for prizes with the RFJ Trivia Game. Winners can collect their prizes at the RFJ Black Hat booth. 🎯

@MattTheQuick I wonder if I can get an old Barnes & Noble Nook to run ....

@apps I was seeing "%s" show up in some profiles' menus when viewing a profile after using the "GPS" button. Is this related? It did not cause a crash, but I have a video if you want it.

2009, not 2019, lol. Would edit it if kept up-to-date.

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@evan @acroll Perhaps using an alternative space character for AI would be better than using alternative letter/etc. characters. That way, programs, spellcheckers, etc. don't need to know a bunch of alternative characters, and only need to know about the space character. And spaces are used in virtually all languages AFAIK

Going to share a few more up-close shots of the new Mastodon merch! I'm happy that we got to incorporate some Mastodon history in the designs. Mind you there's only going to be 250 of each at launch! Sheik dragdowns are always sick 👉😎👉

Gnome is "rethinking window management". Yet again, yes. I like the actual behavior, but it's always interesting to see new ideas.

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Ethan Black's choices:

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