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One of the worst parts about misattributed quotes is that they undermine the idea of objective truth.

Nelson Mandela never said that. He said a lot of important things, but that's not something that he said.

Saying that he did say it, just because it feels nice, is obscuring the real world to make a digitally-structured one of our own liking.

Things aren't true just because they feel truthy.

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Everyone, I have an idea:

We should create a global holiday:

Backup Day. Everyone gets a day off to stay at home and make sure that all important files are backed up. At the end of the day you have a family dinner and share a scary data loss story to scare the kids

@kyle Well then it's time to make a giant weaving robot. We'll be waiting to see your Loomba. @256 Yep, according to the alt text

So far, we have beaten the Deku Tree part of the game. As I expected, this game is challenging (especially given its age), and I love that.

When it is my turn to play, I have been careful to avoid a game over, and so far we haven't gotten one. I got to fight the boss in the Deku Tree.

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Started playing with my sister and younger brother yesterday. Super excited to finally get to experience this famous game.

For a 1998 game (we're playing the version), it is surprisingly polished graphically. Based on the screenshots I have seen, I expected something less, but wow.

@kyle If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. So I've heard lol

Mastodon has hit 2 million active users today. 🎉

@royal Maybe nowadays, but when I first tried Linux - Ubuntu - it was so bad I went back to Windows. Back in those Unity desktop environment days it was so janky that Windows was literally better (though this was before I was as aware of privacy and independence issues in tech). Modern Ubuntu (and Linux in general!) is much better than Windows now, IMO. Compatibility aside.

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Ethan Black's choices:

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