About the Reichstag fire in 1933: "Only the morning after did I read about the fire in the parliament building, and not until noon did I hear about the arrests [people sent to concentration camps]. Around that time came the order abolishing the freedom of opinion and the secrecy of correspondence for private citizens and giving the police unlimited rights to [search, arrest, etc]"
Those were obvious steps for the nazis then, in 1933, when establishing their dictatorship.
Reading "A German man's history" (Geschichte eines Deutschen) or "Defying Hitler", written by Sebastian Haffner in 1939 about the decades leading up to the Nazis coming to power.
Made me think about current Swedish politics. #svpol
With an associate membership, you can start a Jitsi room and invite whoever you please, whether or not they have an FSF account. You're not handing over your credentials to Apple or Google by proxy Unlike the flagship server, ours does not require a third-party login. It does not use nonfree JavaScript, and it does not recommend nonfree software or browser extensions. https://u.fsf.org/41x https://u.fsf.org/jitsi
The recording of my #FOSDEM talk - a dive into a bug in USB 2.0 and the problem of spontaneous modem resets that used to be experienced on the #Librem5 is now available to watch: https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3200-universal-serial-bug-a-tale-of-spontaneous-modem-resets/ #linuxmobile #mobilelinux #usb #fosdem24 #fosdem2024 #fossonmobile #mobile #linux
Good morning #SOOCon24! @ainali and I are ready to discuss all things public sector open source - come tell us about your project, or pick up a Standard for Public Code or Governance Game. See you soon!
#StateOfOpenCon #PublicCode
Also this Factually episode on the Gaza war is extremely good. https://overcast.fm/+BBanT7BaT0
You're losing customers that way as they turn to products that don't require these kind of apps.
A public website accessible via any web browser makes not only us but also you independent from Apple's and Google's duopoly.
(Boosts appreciated, let's not get forced more and more into proprietary app stores)
2️⃣ /2️⃣
Dear companies,
please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.
This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).
1️⃣ /2️⃣
In case you want to support my work on #LinuxMobile and #Phosh financially i've added some options to https://honk.sigxcpu.org/piki/donations/
Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (05/2024): Support #Phosh and watch great talks!
#LinuxMobile #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 #PinePhone #UbuntuTouch #SailfishOS #Librem5 #postmarketOS
För någon vecka sen var jag på #SamNet som bl.a. @dfri anordnade. Det var en heldagskonferens med massa intressanta föreläsningar! Här är videos från dagen. Enjoy!
Mina favoriter var nog om dSam, det demokratiska samtalet, öppen källkod inom offentlig sektor och the social web.
Tack till @eliasr , @blog , @Jeremiah , @terejs och fler för bra snack, häng och organisering!
SamNet #2 2024 introduktion - PeerTube
Häromdagen fick jag möjlighet att resonera en smula på temat demokratin i en digital tid, med ett mera tydligt fokus på kopplingen mellan demokratin och den digitala transformationen av det offentliga rummet. Konferensen SamNet av @dfri mfl aktörer var i sin helhet toppen. Områden som berörs är allt från eID, robust internet, öppen mjukvara i offentlig sektor, introduktion till eSam, och inte minst en föreläsning om The Social Web, dagens behållning för min del.
I have a #prometheus question. Suppose I have many targets and there is a performance problem if all of them are scraped at the same time.
I can set scrape_interval to decide how often they are scraped, but prometheus seems to scrape them all at once, e.g. if scrape_interval is 2 minutes then it scrapes all of them at 20:00, then all again at 20:22, then again at 20:24 and so on.
What I would like to do is to tell prometheus to smear them out over time. Is it possible and if so, how?
Missade du #SamNet 2?😢
- Räddningen är här!🤩 Inspelningar finns nu att se på DFRIs egna #PeerTube, en videoplattform som respekterar dina digitala friheter och rättigheter!
Se alla presentationerna här:
Bli medlem i DFRI: https://www.dfri.se/bli-medlem/
Nu finns inspelningen från min presentation på #SamNet förrförra veckan uppe på DFRIs #PeerTube-instans:
"Fri och öppen e-legitimation": https://play.dfri.se/w/r8cNMd4LmYaxqnYaUUJ2Mx
Vad tycker ni, blev det något begripligt? Alla sorters kommentarer välkomnas :-)
Projektet fortsätter, nästa möte redan ikväll klockan 19, alla är välkomna att vara med då: https://mailman.dfri.se/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/eleg-projekt@lists.dfri.se/thread/BUANUSNMBYEPRDYGYZZYOMVZNQBMXQJT/
#DFRI #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #eID #EIDAS #MyData #eleg #elegitimation #demokrati
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.