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Semestrat på och åkte förstås rauka vägen upp till för att ta den här bilden.

Canada goose and mallard, comman around here.

About the mallard (gräsand in Swedish) Wikipedia says: "The mallard or wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa."

So the gräsand is a "dabbling duck", and that's not an insult or a joke or anything, it's just a fact. They dabble, so they are dabbling ducks. :-)

Elias boosted

Förklara för mig. Hur kan M, KD och L inte fördöma massövervakningsförslaget Chat Control 2.0 trots att EU-expertgruppen, ministerrådets jurister, OHCHR, världens säkerhetsspecialister, deras egna EU-ledamöter och alla ledarsidor som har tagit ställning sågar det?

(Om det hade handlat om att skydda barnen hade de lagt energi på gångbara, effektiva och verklighetsförankrade lösningar. Inte på en OHCHR-utdömd lösning som tvärtom utsätter barn för nya hot.)

Jag förstår inte!?

#chatcontrol #svpol

Elias boosted

phosh 0.29.0 is out 🚀📱:

This release brings Improved audio device selection, notifications for ongoing calls, a new sensors panel (thanks @devrtz) suspend from system menu (thanks undef) and more!

Check out the full release notes at


Elias boosted

Sverige joined Österreich, France, and Italia in ruling use of Google Analytics violates GDPR.

I am proud of Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten (IMY) for the ruling and being the first regulatory agency to issue fines and conclusively rule that Google’s “supplementary measures” for EU businesses are inadequate.

Thank you, @noybeu, for the legal activism strengthening GDPR as an effective consumer protection.

#GDPR #GoogleAnalytics #SvPol #privacy

Hej @cynthia there you are! Cert Slayer remains a very cool title 🙂

Elias boosted

@kyle I feel like that's a good reminder for experts (in FOSS, etc) too: Approving and praising good work by beginners helps them significantly. Don't just focus on the bad stuff!

If I'm looking for someone who is supposed to have an account on the but I never see them, and I suspect it may be because of one instance blocking another instance, what is a good way to find out? Is there something like a public list saying "this instance blocks the following instances because of xyz"?

Related to this (in Swedish):

That's about how Swedish police is about to get increased mandate to stop and search people who look "foreign".

If you look like a "foreigner" then the idea is that police will get the right to stop you and search you and search through your mobile phone and whatever other personal belongings you have, looking for an excuse to deport you.

I think the article in The Guardian is right that racism is at the bottom of this kind of things.

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Interesting article about and :

"Radical antiracists argue that the only way to fight this oppression is to build autonomous organisations with the power to dismantle existing social systems and build new ones. [...] race provides a means by which capitalism can more intensively exploit certain categories of worker – the enslaved, the indentured, colonised peasantries, migrant workers – as well as justify discarding peoples deemed superfluous [...]"

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Elias boosted
Elias boosted

The bus stop outside of the Russian Embassy in Stockholm just changed name to "The Place of Free Ukraine".

#ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #stockholm

Amnesty International Sverige, in Swedish 

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

I'm burning through the sky, yeah
93.33333 degrees
That's why they call me Mr. Celsius

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted
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