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@eliasr @gutenberg_org Added a model for
(based on August Strindberg: Inferno, also available from project gutenberg), a menu to toggle completion easily and switching the model based on locale:
(video is at 2x speed)

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Elias boosted

Så himla bra skrivet om integritet och frihet av @mattiasaxell och @eliasr från @dfri om debatten om #bankid

"Men det viktiga frihetsperspektivet saknas. Kinberg Batra tar inte upp frågan om digitala rättigheter. I dag är människors möjlighet att kommunicera utan att bli spårade och avlyssnade kraftigt inskränkt."

”Diskussionen om e-legitimation saknar frihetsperspektivet” - DN.SE

DFRI-replik på DN Debatt idag, om e-legitimation 

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Elias boosted

Someone asked me today about my plans for the Fall and it took me a moment to realize she meant my plans for the Autumn and not the collapse of civilization.

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Swedish politics, in Swedish 

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Vi tar ett halvspontant barhäng på Kappa Bar i korsningen Svartbäcksgatan/Skolgatan (

Välkomna onsdag 16 november klockan 18 och framåt!

#uppsala #linux #ulug #linuxpub

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Svensk politik, spioneri 

@cnx @roboneko @residuum @bonifartius @dylanvanassche @farnerup

I would like the feeling to be "wow, now I Just learned how to use an if-statement! And I can nest them! Wow, I can do so much with this!"

Having said that, I will look closer at Scratch and Snap and similar. Admittedly, I don't know them and it's very possible that I was above just arguing against them to avoid having to learn something new myself. 🙂


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Thanks for all the suggestions!

Scratch and Snap are interesting but there is something making me skeptical to things with lots of graphics. Very possible that this is just me being old-fashioned but my feeling is anyway that, I fear that too much "wow, cool colourful explosions on my screen, I want more of that!" risks taking focus from the programming itself.

I mean, programming is not actually about graphics.


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Suppose that a child, about 10 years old, is about to start playing around with programming. Which language would be good to start with? Please explain why in comments.

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William Haselden made this cartoon around a hundred years ago! I guess it was funny back then, but now it just seems like a description of the everyday life :)

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Elias boosted

”Gummilagen kommer få en censurerande effekt. Och sedan ligga där som ett ständigt hot, speciellt om en regering beslutar att missbruka den för att betvinga fria medier.”

Min ledare om grundlagsändringen som tar avstamp i en kvalmig källare i King’s Cross, sommaren 2013.

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Politik, grundlag, pressfrihet 

Movie quiz 

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