@cnx @roboneko @residuum @bonifartius @dylanvanassche @farnerup
I would like the feeling to be "wow, now I Just learned how to use an if-statement! And I can nest them! Wow, I can do so much with this!"
Having said that, I will look closer at Scratch and Snap and similar. Admittedly, I don't know them and it's very possible that I was above just arguing against them to avoid having to learn something new myself. 🙂
@eliasr @cnx @roboneko @residuum @bonifartius @dylanvanassche I think it is important for the first programming language not to have too many features. E.g. basic is a terrible language for doing serious development, but I could learn it in a day and then I felt like I was only limited by my imagination.
You get a taste of what programming is like and then move on to a "real" programming language.