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@noelreports Is this perhaps connected to Iran's sale of ballistic missiles to Russia?

@hindsight @noelreports Likely he wants to play all sides. As a NATO member and a neighbor of Russia, he's against Russian aggression. Nevertheless, he still wants to do business with Russia.

elgregor boosted

@panoptykon Co do owego dylematu, przypomina mi się wypowiedź założyciela Wikipedii, tzw. "przypowieść o nożu do steków".

@GreenFire @noelreports It would be preferable to shoot them down before they enter NATO airspace, but the countries near Ukraine/Belarus don't want to act on their own. They want it to be approved by other NATO members, so there's NATO backing in case Russia responds with an escalation. So far, other NATO countries are reluctant to approve shooting down drones over Ukraine.

@Shatur @davidrevoy I found a helpful illustration:
She's a Misskey mascot. The octopus is PeerTube, the fox girl is Pleroma, but who is the sloth?

@nicolaottomano @noelreports Romania and Poland want NATO to confirm that this is regular self defense and not an escalation. This is so they are protected in case Russia considers this an escalation and responds in force. So far, NATO is reluctant to confirm that. Thus, Romania and Poland refrain from acting - they are afraid of finding themselves in a war without NATO support. They sent a lot of weapons to Ukraine and don't even have enough for their peacetime military, let alone wartime.

@GreenFire @noelreports Kaliningrad could become to Russia what Taiwan is to China, but that would require its inhabitants to actually want it.

@PatrikSchoenfeldt @noelreports Not always. Sometimes there's not much fighting. Ukraine took Suja pretty much intact and Kherson had only partial damage.

@kukrak @icd @panoptykon Tu jest info:

Najwięcej mogą ludzie z innych krajów, bo Polska już jest przeciw. Mimo to warto uświadamiać polityków.

@noelreports Russia keeps insisting that war isn't hell, but a fun playground.

@vmexell @noelreports It's still more than enough against trash like Shaheds.

@itsfoss Bluesky is not a charity. It needs to eventually earn money. And since you don't pay for it, you are the product. I guess report this bug and hopefully they will fix it.

@EUCommission "greater trust"

There will be no trust if you ban or undermine encryption.

@Zenek73 @zaufanatrzeciastrona Pasuje do tego typu ludzi. Tacy sami sprzedają staruszkom patelnie za tysiące złotych. Minęłoby parę lat i trzymałby swoje dzieci w piwnicy. Dobrze, że został złapany. Obawiam się tylko tego, co zrobi gdy wyjdzie za dobre sprawowanie i udawaną skruchę.

@GreenFire @noelreports The drone allows more precise delivery, but the usual way to do this is to use smoke artillery shells. Russia was also using incendiary missiles earlier in the war, there were many videos of that.

@noelreports I would like to remind Russia that the reason it's getting shrekt is because it invaded Ukraine.

@eff @cnet If I had to present an ID to use the Internet, I would use it only for things like health, banking or taxes, because they already know who I am.

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