@chebra It can be defeated. But defeated doesn't mean it will disappear or stop being ruled by evil people.
I agree, democratic countries should be doing much more. Most importantly, countries that still don't allow striking Russian military targets with western weapons should immediately allow it. We should also send more military aid. I am donating, but it's a drop in an ocean of needs. Sanctions fortunately are doing something, but we should still increase them.
@ljrk @eff Nope, TOTP protects against more than that. For example, against someone seeing or recording you type your password. Or against hardware keylogger between the keyboard and PC. Or against online password manager breach. (TBF people shouldn't use web services to store passwords.)
TOTP's value lies in two facts:
- Code is generated on a different device.
- Intercepting the generated code does not reveal the secret.
@Lingondraken @noelreports The question was about shooting down objects without identifying them. At least a part of this 22.1% are people who insist on identification being a requirement.
🇬🇧🚨#ChatControl is back on the agenda: As soon as next Wednesday representatives of EU governments will resume work based on a secret document. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/documents-publications/public-register/public-register-search/?DocumentNumber=12319%2F24
This is what you can do now to help: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
@alextecplayz @eff @arstechnica If there's no profit, companies won't sell. And if companies won't sell uniforms to fire service, where would firefighters get uniforms? Should government manufacture its own uniforms, socks, screws, paint, water hoses, tires, etc.?
@chebra Yes, the "NATO approval" thing is only for acting over Ukraine. Inside Poland problems are both legal (can't shoot down things in peacetime without a visual inspection) and practical (not enough planes and ground AA). There are talk about introducing an intermediate "crisis" level to allow shooting down things based only on radar. For the practical problem: F-35s are on order and more ground AA is also on order. And of course Poland keeps pushing NATO to allow shootdowns over Ukraine.
@chebra "russia would not send anything if russia was defeated by now" Do you think after the war Russia will magically become a wonderland ruled by a unicorn? It will still try to harm all of its neighbors. And it won't stop making new weapons like Shahed drones. It already conducts attacks in NATO countries - it murders people and attacks infrastructure. Rough times are ahead and 🇷🇴🇨🇿🇸🇰🇵🇱🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪🇫🇮 need to be ready because western countries will refuse to go to war over a destroyed power plant.
@DrRac27 @liliputing_ Either that or the relevant apps simply check the bootloader status. I wonder if re-locking the bootloader would help.
@unknow Z ciekawości: oprócz Interii, jak radzą sobie WP i Onet? (Tlen/O2 chyba też należy do WP, nie?)
@noelreports I hope Mongolian madlads actually do it.
@mason W przypadku filmików można użyć Peertube. Alternatywnie zamiast zawsze ładować YT, można dać miniaturę filmu z przyciskiem odtwarzania ▶️ oraz informacją, że zostanie on załadowany z YT i ładować embed YT dopiero po kliknięciu.
@chebra @noelreports It's not just a fire. There's an arsonist who doesn't like that you're lending water to your neighbor. If Poland truly did not have enough (ready) jets to defend its rather big airspace, Russia would start sending a lot of stuff "on accident", trying to cause panic and political turmoil. Poland is a big country and should aim for around 160 fighter jets, but it only has 48 F-16 (around 26-30 of which are operationally ready at any given time), 14 MiG-29 and 18 old Su-22.
@chebra @noelreports This the preferred solution. Poland is reluctant to do it on their own and would prefer it to be an official NATO thing. Despite Poland's pressure, other NATO countries keep saying "nooo, that's an escalation".
@GreenFire @noelreports More likely the drone was off-course and endangering Belarus.
@eff @arstechnica Seeing all the AI misuse is baffling. If AI was a hammer, you'd see people trying to drive screws with hammers, to dig holes with hammers, to use hammers as doorstops... At the same time you'd have people seeing all this stupidity and concluding that hammers are evil, we should abolish them and switch to driving in nails with stones.
@alextecplayz @eff @arstechnica Are you extending this as far as supplying? So if a hospital wants to paint walls, they can't buy regular paint, only ask for free paint?
@David_Wicks @noelreports There are rumors that an F-16 was shot down by a Ukrainian Patriot system.
@noelreports It seems that expanded sanctions are making life hard for Russian industry: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Przez-sankcje-Rosji-brakuje-surowcow-chemicznych-Firmy-prosza-rzad-o-interwencje-8800797.html
@noelreports Rusich 🤮
@qcoolka @intru @panoptykon Nigdy nie używałem i repozytorium zostało zarchiwizowane 28 czerwca, ale istnieje coś takiego: https://wulkanowy.github.io/
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