@zaufanatrzeciastrona Dlaczego wymagacie podania adresu do czegoś tak prozaicznego jak wykupienie dostępu do wideo?

@johnnyryan @epicprivacy And of course instead of solving the root cause (invasive data collection), US will instead solve the symptom (ease of access to data on people considered important to US government).

@noelreports Not enough. Russia wants to use the truce to rearm and then attack again. Peacekeeping force must at least be big enough to stop this, but preferably huge enough to deter Russia completely.

@madtulip @noelreports It's intentional. He says everything and anything, looks at reactions, and only then decides what to do. It's been like this since his first presidential campaign, maybe even longer. Seems to work for him.

If I remember correctly, some company made flip-flops with his tweets on them where the tweet on the left one directly contradicted the tweet on the right one.

@noelreports I suspect Russia's rearmament will take significantly more than 3-4 years, but it's better to be ready early rather than late.

@zaufanatrzeciastrona Chyba jedyne AI warte rozważenia przez prywatnego użytkownika, to AI działające lokalnie na urządzeniu. STT, TTS, tłumaczenia, wyszukiwanie obrazów po słowach kluczowych, itd. Nie chcę wysyłać do Google czy Deepl wszystkich napotkanych przeze mnie obcojęzycznych tekstów.

@joaocosta @noelreports That's how I'm reading it. NATO should be strong in Europe, so US (not NATO, only the US) can focus on East Asia.

elgregor boosted

A dlaczego to przypominamy? Bo Amerykanie odkryli niedawno, że jedna mała firma z Litwy pozyskała taką drogą super wrażliwe dane o amerykańskim personelu wojskowym i członkach wywiadu stacjonujących zagranicą - i je sprzedała innej firmie. Ale nie byłoby to możliwe, gdyby nie organizator całego procederu, czyli Google i jego program Authorized Buyers:

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@viq @paul_ward_irl @Binder @EUCommission "The AI effect is the discounting of the behavior of an artificial-intelligence program as not "real" intelligence." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI_effec

@freyaanduin @EUCommission This is why it's crucial to always check AI output, never blindly trust it. To be fair, the same is true for media, politicians, etc.

@zaufanatrzeciastrona Zapewne dowiedział się o podatnościach w bibliotekach od multimediów. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Mnemosinee @lritter @EUCommission Various kinds of scientific AI likely do count. It would be incredibly stupid to spend all that money solely on LLMs. I didn't even consider that it could be a thing.

@icd Ostatnio chciałem się zarejestrować w usłudze pewnej firmy, ale okazało się, że firma wysyła dane osobowe użytkowników do Facebooka i Google. Dziękuję, nie skorzystam. Jednocześnie bardzo szanuję, że napisali to wprost zamiast zasłaniać się lakonicznymi informacjami o "partnerach biznesowych".

@JustUs4Pali @eff Thanks to the incredibly dysfunctional copyright system, copyright holders are forced to aggressively pursue even minor copyright infringements (like this one), lest they lose their copyright.

Copyright and patent systems need to be nuked from the orbit.

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Russian theatre. Russian troops shot down their own Eleron-3 drone, painted a 🇺🇦 flag on it to claim rewards instead of punishment—then added a Balkenkreuz (a WWII German military symbol) for extra effect. Their mistake? Leaving Russian-language markings on the wing.


@noelreports I really hoped that his advisors would explain to him how important it is to help Ukraine and they did. Good job.

elgregor boosted

3 years into Russia’s invasion, support among Russians remains high. According to VTsIOM, a Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 67% back the invasion, while 65% see it as successful. Optimism peaked in March 2022 (70%) but declined as the war dragged on.


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