@clonedhuman @fsfe Try degoogled Android variants like LineageOS or GrapheneOS.
There are also GNU/Linux mobile operating systems, but they are not quite there yet, especially where it comes to app variety.
28 March 1921 | A Pole, Jerzy Bielecki, was born. A prisoner of #Auschwitz no. 243 (first transport of Poles). On 21 July 1944 he escaped from the camp in an SS uniform taking with him a Polish Jewish female prisoner Cyla Cybulska. They were in love. https://www.jfr.org/rescuer/jerzy-bielecki
@dutchking @noelreports They can build a lot of materiel. Their problem is that they are losing it faster than they can build it. However if fighting stops, Russia can start rebuilding its military and stockpiling weapons.
What's worse, once the sanctions get lifted, Russia could purchase weapons from other countries (notably China) to accelerate its rearmament.
"Good evening, police. Your unlocked phone please."
@mikkaels @DiogoConstantino @ondra @EUCommission If you think supporting only iOS and Android is fine, then imagine supporting only iOS. I think it's now clearer why this would be bad.
@noelreports If Ukraine ordered everyone with a Russian passport to leave, Russian media would present it as an undeniable proof of Ukrainian Nazism.
@mason @wariat @panoptykon Na pewno miałoby to wiele pozytywów, ale pozostaje również część negatywów. Nadal istniałyby algorytmiczne bańki, gdzie ludziom wyświetlałby się tylko jeden punkt widzenia, bo algorytm nauczył się, że lubią takie treści. Aby się z nich wyrwać, potrzebne byłyby świadome decyzje.
Poza tym część władzy przeszłaby z mediów społecznościowych na dostawców algorytmów. Algorytmy mają swoje uprzedzenia, zarówno te celowo wbudowane przez twórców, jak i te przypadkowe.
@noelreports Russia will keep bombing and will make claims like "oh, but it wasn't against energy and infrastructure, there were soldiers in this hospital and that power plant, so they were valid targets".
@noelreports imagine if Ursula VDL called an American congressmen and told him how to vote in Congress.
@noelreports Yeah, EW makes drones go off course, especially GPS/GLONASS spoofing. Some Russian hits on civilian targets can be explained by this, but not all. Especially not the ones with weapons that also had visual/IR guidance.
@adena @noelreports Temporary ceasefire is still wartime, so no wonder martial law will still be in effect. Ukraine's law forbids elections in wartime (which makes 100% sense if the war is on your territory). This all adds up and is completely expected. IDK what got you so riled up.
@Faket @EUCommission Not all company cars are for commute. You can't deliver hundreds of kilograms using a bicycle. All trucks and vans should be electric. For many products the delivery from a warehouse to the store is a huge part of total carbon emissions.
@ArtHarg @noelreports They are signalling that they intend to eventually attack Ukraine again, including any foreign peacekeeping forces, if they think they can get away with it.
@Tapioseta @EUCommission I somewhat agree but I wouldn't be that optimistic about the timeline.
The current neural network bubble is like the dotcom bubble. Overrated, overinvested, will pop soon. At the same time, neural networks are a great technology that has many valid uses. The dotcom bubble popped but you still use the internet, right? The same will happen to AI.
@noelreports It's a delay tactic. Right now Ukraine would benefit more from a 30-day ceasefire.
@omegaprobe@paquita.masto.host @EUCommission @pluralistic Interesting, thanks!
The conclusion is at the end of the article. TL;DR: EU Copyright Directive was passed because it then US wouldn't put tariffs on EU goods. Its article 6 prevents jailbreaking iPhones and Teslas, cracking DRM, etc. Abolishing it costs us nothing, but it would hurt the intellectual monopolies of US and unleash a new wave of creative companies.
@icd Nie rozumiem celu tej petycji. Mozilla doskonale zdaje sobie sprawę, że poleganie głównie na pieniądzach od Google jest złym pomysłem i desperacko szuka innych źródeł zarobku. Stąd Mozilla VPN i Firefox Relay. Stąd próby umów z innymi wyszukiwarkami w niektórych krajach. Stąd płatne skróty na stronie nowej karty.
Tymczasem te źródła przynoszą niewiele pieniędzy, a użytkownicy marudzą. "Jak to inna wyszukiwarka, ja chcę Google jako domyślną!" "Jak to reklamy stron w nowej karcie?! Skandal!"