@noelreports imagine if Ursula VDL called an American congressmen and told him how to vote in Congress.
11 March 1892 | A Pole, Tadeusz Tański, was born. An engineer & designer of the 1st Polish serially-built car, the CWS T-1.
In #Auschwitz from 1 February 1941.
No. 9455
He perished in the camp on 23 March 1941.
@GrapheneOS Does disabling NFC have any benefit like longer battery life? Does it power down the NFC hardware? Does it stop or suspend some process? Does it decrease the attack surface of NFC?
(Of course this is all assuming that screen unlock is required to use NFC.)
@peekr Peekr nie zwraca żadnych wyników dla zapytań "vkQueueSubmit" i "glSwapBuffers". Polecam zindeksować stronę Khronosa (zwłaszcza registry.khronos.org) a przede wszystkim StackOverflow i resztę sieci StackExchange (to bardzo wartościowe źródła wyników na różne tematy).
Warto też wyciągać info o oficjalnych stronach z Wikipedii/Wikidanych, indeksować te strony i podbijać je w wynikach. Np. szukając "Vulkan", DuckDuckGo pokazuje vulkan.org na 2. miejscu, a w Peekrze nie ma go na 1. stronie.
Peekr is a volunteer-run noncommercial project and we're only able to run on voluntary donations. The donations' money stream is extremely low (it's barely at 20 PLN monthly which amounts for 5-6 EUR with two people pledging) and with that in mind we're unable to pay ourselves with this, let alone hire someone else to help us bring the new crawler version alive.
So if you can spare money or even just boost this, we would be EXTREMELY grateful for your help. We're at Patronite (supporting only Polish IBANs to my best knowledge): https://patronite.pl/peekr, and if you want to use something else such as direct bank transfer (at least PLN and EUR supported) contact me and we'll sort things out.
5 March 1945 | Shlomo Dragon, former Sonderkommando prisoner, recovered the manuscript of Załmen Gradowski near the ruins of gas chamber & crematorium III at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. This unique account is published based on a new translation: E-book: https://books.auschwitz.org/en_US/p/E-BOOK-Zalmen-Gradowski-From-the-Heart-of-Hell.-Manuscripts-of-a-Sonderkommando-Prisoner%2C-Found-in-Auschwitz/680
“Your driving data goes to a half a dozen companies you’ve never even heard of for reasons you’d perhaps never agree to if asked directly,” EFF’s @Thorin told @ConsumerReports. https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/personal-information/how-to-stop-your-car-from-collecting-sharing-driving-data-a1233378612/
The EU is paying a fortune for broken commercial software, criticizes Michiel Leenaars of the Dutch NLnet Foundation in an interview with netzpolitik.org. Together with his team, he supports open-source, free solutions — funded by the EU. But that could soon come to an end.
28 February 1920 | A Polish woman Anna Smoleńska was born. She was a scout, a student of art history, and the author or co-author of the 'Fighting Poland' sign.
In #Auschwitz from 27 November 1942.
No. 26008
She perished in the camp on 19 March 1943.
A dlaczego to przypominamy? Bo Amerykanie odkryli niedawno, że jedna mała firma z Litwy pozyskała taką drogą super wrażliwe dane o amerykańskim personelu wojskowym i członkach wywiadu stacjonujących zagranicą - i je sprzedała innej firmie. Ale nie byłoby to możliwe, gdyby nie organizator całego procederu, czyli Google i jego program Authorized Buyers:
3 years into Russia’s invasion, support among Russians remains high. According to VTsIOM, a Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 67% back the invasion, while 65% see it as successful. Optimism peaked in March 2022 (70%) but declined as the war dragged on.
Dobre wieści z Wieliczki. Policja zatrzymała kilku BLIKowców, bo stali przy bankomacie. Jedną bandą zarządzał 13-latek, a członkowie mieli 14 lat. Inny, starszy, zakładał na akcje maskę a w mieszkaniu miał narkotyki. Bardzo ładnie.
Poprosimy więcej :)
2/3 ... Member States are now taking advantage of these weak bans to push for dangerous laws at a national level. This includes legalising #MassSurveillance through Remote Biometric Identification (RBI) systems 🙅♂️
🇧🇪 This is happening at the very heart of the EU - Belgium is proposing a full copy paste of the AI Act exceptions to the RBI ban!
This is exactly we warned about when the #AIAct passed - it will lead to legalisation of massive #HumanRights violations ⤵️ https://edri.org/our-work/eu-ai-act-fails-to-set-gold-standard-for-human-rights/
Reports of DOGE staff obtaining “extraordinary access” to databases holding sensitive personal information about millions of Americans marks a “huge departure from privacy & security norms,” EFF’s @Adam_D_Schwartz told @Vox. "EFF is deeply concerned." https://www.vox.com/politics/398366/musk-doge-treasury-sba-opm-budget
As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.
#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology
🇬🇧Had fun with games over the holidays? Help ensure that manufacturers can no longer simply switch off your favourite game in future! Only 400,000 of 1 million signatures have been collected...
Sign: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/?lg=en
#Pirates call for signature: https://european-pirateparty.eu/european-pirates-endorse-citizens-initiative/
Trochę populizmu i szejmingu nie zaszkodzi - pomyślała węgierska prezydencja i zastosowała tę myśl do tematu kontroli czatów #ChatControl. A oberwie się też Polsce, która jest tym razem w chlubnej mniejszości sprzeciwiającej się kontroli czatów.
Szczegóły na profilu @ella z biura @edri o tu: