We have a new blog post about the Mobifree project and our role in it.

In short, it's a human-centered, ethical alternative, that champions privacy over profit and believes in collaboration, sustainability and inclusiveness.


#FDroid #mobifree

Friendly reminder if you're an open source developer in the mobile ecosystem:

You still have time until 1st of June to apply for a #mobifree grant.


Looks like will pass a key point in its war on : its own response will kill more of their own people than the original attack. This already happened long ago for , more were killed in this war than all since 1948. The lost more of its own people in the wars of and than in the Sept 11th attacks. These facts clearly demonstrate who gains from these kinds of wars. The leaders who drive them do so to stay in power, not to serve their people interests.

It's so weird watching The Dropout – a TV series about the Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes – while also watching OpenAI and Sam Altman happen IRL.

"Die fehlende Zustimmung Österreichs zum EU-Renaturierungsgesetz blockiert derzeit den Beschluss dieses Gesetzes im EU-Umweltministerrat.

Die Unterzeichnenden dieser Petition ersuchen jedes einzelne Bundesland, dem Gesetz zuzustimmen."


Which flag best symbolises Europe's unity?

Many ideas were submitted to the Council of Europe in the 1950s, but the 🇪🇺 EU flag was unanimously adopted on 8 December 1955.

Seven decades on, the flag embodies the values of unity, solidarity, diversity and harmony and is the most recognisable symbol of our European identity.

Ahead of #EuropeDay, get to know it ⬇️

The F-Droid Board of Directors got an update with a few new faces, some remaining ones and one leaving.



's core crypto/tls library merged client support! It should be included in the Go v1.23 release. Server-side support is still in the works.


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