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We ❤️ open source. Your Tutanota client is fully published as open source software. 😍 We even built our own captcha instead of using Google's Captcha. Read here why:

Am Wochenende hat die CDU auf ihrem 32. Parteitag beschlossen, sich der Forderung der FSFE anzuschließen, dass mit öffentlichen Geldern entwickelte Software als Freie Software allen Zugute kommen soll:

"Deshalb gilt künftig für alle (öffentlichen) Digitalisierungsprojekte in Deutschland: #Auftragsvergabe und Förderung sind an die Einhaltung der Prinzipien #OpenSource und offene Standards gebunden."

#FreieSoftware #publiccode

At its 32nd party conference this weekend, the German conservative party CDU resolved to join @fsfe in demanding that software developed with public money should be publicly available as #FreeSoftware:

"This is why the following will apply to all (public) digitisation projects in Germany in the future: the awarding of contracts and funding will be subject to compliance with the principles of open source and open standards."


After a steady increase in adoption over the past year, TLSv1.3 adoption just took a pretty big drop. Anyone have any data or ideas about why?

People often think of the United States of America as a decentralized, federated, government. This is not true, the US Federal Government controls 55% of all government spending in the country, including federal, state and local. The EU currently controls about 2.5% of government expenditure. So in reality, the EU is much more decentralized than the USA.

props to for working to upstream the changes to , real and requires being able to run your own builds on your own device. If Android runs on the plain Linux kernel, that opens up many more possibilities.

LibreOffice is available in over 100 languages, thanks to our worldwide contributors! Here's Sidorela Uku and the Albanian community, running various events around LibreOffice localisation, design, marketing and more:

In a big win for privacy, @microsoft will adopt encrypted DNS queries for Windows users.
This helps close a big privacy gap on the web by preventing on-path eavesdropping, spoofing, and blocking by encrypting your DNS requests.

We’ve long advocated against frivolous and harassing lawsuits intended to silence free speech, often called SLAPP suits. We’re thrilled that @LastWeekTonight has weighed in and discussed their own SLAPP experience.

Less than 24 hours left to provide your feedback on the EU guidelines for #RouterFreedom! #BEREC is running a #PublicConsultation defining whether your router will belong to you or to your ISP. Please participate now, it's as easy as sending an email!

See how to make yourself heard, and the #FSFE's response on the current draft:

In this study, 6% of cars passing came within 1m of the biker. That feels like narrowly avoiding sudden death. "Can people imagine what life would be like if 6% of all the people they saw on a day-to-day basis unexpectedly threatened their lives?"

car traffic on the streets has increased about 4 times since I was a kid, and I see everyday how my kids are harmed by this. My parents didn't even think about me crossing the street, I just did it starting around age 6. Now we have to teach our kids a lot to cross even the street we live on. Things can be better

I've been thinking about the as a , it is mostly devoit of plant/animal/insect/etc life, often even when there is exposed dirt. I've been working on bringing life back to a few tree pits around where I live, and it is not so easy. It was then fascinating to see this on a massive scale in this documentation

Data isn't gold, it's uranium. Companies stockpile and refine it because of the great power it creates. But the industry is largely unregulated and creates hazardous by-products. When it spills it's almost impossible to clean up and when it explodes it leaves a wasteland behind.

Sharp summary & analysis of the DNS over HTTPS debate w Firefox, Chrome & Cloudflare on "Fundamentally, this debate does not centre on the arrival of a new technology though. As often is the case, it centres on power, who should have it and who should wield it. For example, who should regulate the web, and who should be able to exploit our data?" ->

@duckduckgo making it easy to find the tracking that apps are doing

@emergencyexit @lunduke building for into Firefox has been a topic of discussion between Tor and Mozilla for years... Mozilla chose to focus on upstreaming the various tracking protections first. Those are easier for providing a simple, unsurprising UX

[EN] Today we reached the 100,000th report! Check them out there:

[FR] Aujourd'hui, nous avons dépassé les 100 000 rapports d'analyse ! Retrouvez-les sur :

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